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盖尤斯在交易站遇到的女人叫什么?What is the name of the woman Gaius encounters at the trading post?

在罗斯林总统给盖尔斯·波尔塔的信中,她说他缺少什么?In her letter to Gaius Baltar, what does President Roslin say he lacks?

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我感谢神,除了基列司布并该犹以外,我没有给你们一个人施洗。I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius.

劳拉·罗斯林第一次看到盖尔斯·波尔塔亲吻一个金发女人的时候是在什么地方?Where was Laura Roslin when she first saw Gaius Baltar kiss a blonde woman?

罗斯林如何形容她对宣判波尔塔无罪这件事有多恶心?How does Roslin describe the depth of her disgust at Gaius Baltar's acquittal?

威廉·阿达玛是如何最终坐上盖尔斯·波尔塔审判法庭的法官席的?How does William Adama end up on the judges' tribunal for Gaius Baltar's trial?

而你是盖乌斯·马略,你十八岁的时候进入军队,成为了一名罗马士兵。You are Marius Gaius. At the age of 18, you joined the army to become a Roman soldier.

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在赛昂攻击卡布里卡之前,卡布里卡六号花了多长时间诱惑盖尔斯·波尔塔?How long did Caprica Six spend seducing Gaius Baltar before the Cylon attack on Caprica?

公元前27年的今天,罗马元老院授予屋大维“奥古斯都”称号。BC – The title Augustus is bestowed upon Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian by the Roman Senate.

没有人想要盖乌斯离开但是父王已经下定了决心。没有人能改变他的决定。No one wants Gaius to go, but my father's made his decision. There's nothing anyone can do.

水力输灰在火电厂中获得越来越广泛的应用。The hydraulic ash transportation gaius increasingly wide application in thermal power plant.

在罗摩·拉姆金成为盖尤斯·波尔塔的律师之前,谁拥有这个职位?Before Romo Lampkin took on the role of Gaius Baltar's lawyer, who preceded him in that position?

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福斯特在盖尤斯·波尔塔的审批期间去卡拉狄加的酒吧,她点的什么?When Foster goes to the bar aboard the Galactica during Gaius Baltar's trial, what does she order?

士兵们,庞培和元老院已经正式宣布了盖乌斯凯撒是罗马的公敌。Sodiers, Pompey and the Senate have formally declared that Gaius Julius Caesar is an enemy of Rome.

一旦盖尤斯·波尔塔得以识别赛昂复活船,海伦娜·该隐将其描述为什么?。How does Helena Cain describe the Cylon's Resurrection Ship once Gaius Baltar is able to identify it?

亚历山大、盖耶斯和庞培与第欧根尼、赫拉克利特、苏格拉底比较起来是什么人呢?Alexander and Gaius and Pompeius, what are they in comparison with Diogenes and Heraclitus and Socrates?

在盖尤斯·波尔塔的审判之前,罗摩·拉姆金向李·阿达玛透露自己曾是谁的学生?Before the trial of Gaius Baltar, Romo Lampkin reveals to Lee Adama that he is a former student of whom?

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但是盖乌斯不相信芬娜,在他们第二次会面前报告了有一个巫师在郊外。But gaius doesnt believe in savannah, report before the second time they will have a wizard in the suburbs.

盖尔斯·波尔塔以什么分裂议题做理由加入了总统竞选,与罗斯林竞争?。What divisive issue does Gaius Baltar use as an excuse to enter the presidential race against Laura Roslin?

权利的摊派和秩序的维护被交付给两位老士兵,老朋友——格涅乌斯庞培马古纳斯和加伊乌斯朱利叶斯凯撒。Power is shared and order maintained by two soldiers, old friends, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and Gaius Julius Caesar.