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内陆小国家,安道尔共和国。The tiny landlocked nation of Andorra.

欧洲中部的内陆国。A landlocked country of central Europe.

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奥地利是欧洲中部的一个内陆国家。Austria is a landlocked country in central Europe.

奥地利是欧洲中部的内陆国。Austria is a landlocked country of central Europe.

因为已被因为私有土地,没有人能对这片土地进行开发。No one can develop this property because it's landlocked.

船只停靠在距离阿拉斯克港64公里的地方。The ship cemetry 64 km from the landlocked port of Aralsk.

蒙古是位于亚洲中部的内陆国。Mongolia is located in the landlocked Central Asian country.

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摩尔多瓦是一个欧洲东南部的内陆国家。Moldova is a landlocked country located in southeastern Europe.

地处内陆的马利是全球第二十四大的国家,也是最贫穷的国度之一。Landlocked Mali is the world's 24th largest country, and one of the poorest.

与法国并驾齐驱,奥地利的排名得益于其地处内陆的优势。Neck and neck with France, Austria benefits in the rankings by being landlocked.

台湾的樱花钩吻鲑是唯一生活在亚热带的鲑鱼。The Formosan landlocked salmon is the only salmon to live in a subtropical region.

因在过境费问题上发生争执,苏丹停止内陆国家南苏丹通过其领土出口石油。Sudan has blocked oil exports from landlocked South Sudan in a dispute over transit fees.

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蓝鳍金枪鱼以高度警觉而闻名,能把它哄骗到内陆水槽中进行繁殖实属不易。It's very difficult to coax the notoriously fussy bluefin tuna to breed in landlocked tanks.

在这个贫穷的内陆国家,超过三分之一的蒙古人以放牧为生。More than a third of Mongolians herd livestock for a living in the poor, landlocked country.

莱索托王国完全被南非共和国所包围,四周都是陆地。The Kingdom of Lesotho is completely landlocked by the surrounding Republic of South Africa.

她居住的内陆国家是一个沙漠地,曾是古代撒哈拉大篷车所走路线的枢纽。Her landlocked country is a desert land that was once a hub for ancient Saharan caravan routes.

它是欧洲的超级小国,位于欧洲的南部,在意大利内部。It is one of the European microstates. It is located in southern Europe and landlocked by Italy.

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该市的巨大内陆港由黎塞留主教建于1631年,作为军事基地和军火库。Its large landlocked harbor was built in 1631 by Cardinal Richelieu as a military base and arsenal.

亚美尼亚是一个在高加索山脉南边的一个内陆国家,处于黑海和里海之间。Aremenia is a landlocked country in the southern Caucasus, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

地理位置封闭的西非国家布吉那法索是世界上最贫穷的国家之一。The landlocked West African country known as Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world.