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它是目的明确的。It's pointed and purposeful.

它是果断的,也是赋有目的的。It is always decisive and purposeful.

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但即使是她的调情也是有目的的。But even her flirtatiousness was purposeful.

有一些人指出这是故意安排的。Some have suggested that this is quite purposeful.

在访问每个新的链接时做出有目的的行动Take Purposeful Action When Visiting Each New Link

二元性中的物质系统是一个有着特定目的的幻象。The physical system in duality is a purposeful illusion.

当双子还在怀疑的时候,天蝎已经有了决心。The Scorpio is purposeful while the Gemini are always doubting.

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他们都理解每件事情,并且有目的的进行操作They understand everything and are purposeful in everything they do

他相信,有目的的白日做梦在脑子里建立起新的“记忆”。He believes that purposeful daydreaming builds new "memories" in the brain.

蒙氏的方法建立在儿童自由选择有目的的活动原则基础上。Montessori is based on the principle of free choice of purposeful activity.

我们观察了一下周围的人们,他们似乎都显得忙碌、自信、而且有目的性。We watched the people for a while.They seemed busy and confident and purposeful.

在爱情中拥有一位真正的灵魂伴侣是每个人所希冀的。Ultimately, being with a true soul partner is all about being purposeful in love.

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“这是一个动人的主题,但同时也是非常有目的和有意义的,”甘比尔说。"It is a touching theme, but also very purposeful and meaningful, " said Gambhir.

适度是指提供信息要有针对性和目的性,不要无的放矢。Information supply should be target-oriented and purposeful without blind behaviors.

法治包含工具性价值和目的性价值两层含义。Ruling of law consists of double meaning of instrumental value and purposeful value.

由于直接和有目的的操作,这可以产生极快的响应时间。This can result in incredibly quick response time due to direct, purposeful actions.

“我忙是因为我有目标,”格雷先生说,“这是种有目的的无用功。”“I’m busier because I have a direction, ” Mr. Gray said. “It’s purposeful busywork.”

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领有一个明确的目标或动机使长期成功戒烟更有针对性。Having a clear goal or incentive for long-term success makes quitting more purposeful.

你该学学让每一次鼠标点击都有目的性,避免浪费你宝贵的时间。Avoid throwing away your precious time by making every click of the mouse a purposeful one.

他们发明了神祗和恶魔,把特点的自然现象归因于他们有目的的行动。They invented deities and devils to whose purposeful action certain phenomena were ascribed.