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然而,利文斯通当选也有很多不足。Still, there are drawbacks to a Livingstone candidacy.

戴维‧李文斯顿是来自苏格兰的医生及探险家。David Livingstone was a doctor and explorer from Scotland.

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这种解决方法也适用于李文斯顿的案例。Eg. This kind of solution is also true of the Livingstone case.

他试图将涨价归咎于经济衰退和他的前任——肯·利文斯通。He sought to blame the rises on the recession and his predecessor, Ken Livingstone.

选举是在2000年举行,并肯利文斯通成为伦敦的第一位民选市长。Elections were held in 2000, and Ken Livingstone became London's first elected mayor.

于是我们开始从利文斯敦和第一个60公里崎岖不平声称我的车牌。So we started from Livingstone and the first 60 potholed kilometers claimed my number plate.

利文斯通在监护人的,预示著他的支持和在伦敦金融城。One, by Ken Livingstone in the Guardian , heralded his support for and in the City of London.

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一封140年前,由19世纪著名探险家戴维·利文斯敦书写的信件终于被破解了出来。A 140-year-old letter written by famed 19th-century explorer David Livingstone has finally been deciphered.

英国首相布莱尔响应犹太组织的抗议,敦促利文斯通道歉。In response to protests by Jewish organizations, British Prime Minister Tony Blair urged Livingstone to apologize.

1871年,新闻记者-探险家享利发现苏格兰传教士大卫在非洲中心城市利文斯致失踪。In 1871, journalist-explorer Henry M. Stanley found missing Scottish missionary David Livingstone in central Africa.

位于赞比西河和赞比西河国家公园附近,斯坦利和利文斯通游戏储备是由维多利亚驱车瀑布。Located near the Zambezi River and Zambezi National Park, Stanley & Livingstone Game Reserve is a short drive from Victoria Falls.

19世纪,欧洲探险家大卫•利文斯敦和约翰•汉宁等人来到这里寻找尼罗河的源头。In the 19th century European explorers like David Livingstone and John Hanning Speke came here searching for the source of the Nile.

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现在对鲍里斯唯一有利的是肯·里维斯通。他已冲到风口浪尖,指责政府削减开支,引起暴乱。伦敦所有工党议员都变得谨慎克制。Ken Livingstone has gone completely over the top and blamed government cuts for causing the riots. Every London Labour MP has been measured.

利文斯通还宣布一只140万英镑的新基金,用于资助各机构面向2012年奥运会开发新的文化项目。Mr Livingstone also announced a new £1.4m fund for organisations to develop new cultural projects in the build-up to the 2012 Olympic Games.

Pa的飞机频繁地出没于津巴布韦首都哈拉雷的机场,并且他在那里购置大量物业,包括一栋20层高的建筑。Mr Pa's plane frequently showed up at the Harare airport and he bought properties in the capital, including the 20-storey Livingstone House.

根据伦敦自行车行动计划,里温斯通想要把伦敦改造称一座世界级的自行车之都,这样能减少交通堵塞和空气污染。Under the London Cycling Action Plan, Livingstone envisions transforming London into a world-class cycling city to reduce congestion and pollution.

斯坦利和利文斯通禁猎区,方便客人提供全板,半板,和床和早餐率选择在酒店的餐厅和酒吧用餐。Stanley & Livingstone Game Reserve conveniently offers guests full board, half board, and bed & breakfast rate options to dine at the hotel's restaurant and bar.

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现任市长肯•利文斯通位居最差穿着榜第11名,而其保守党竞争对手波利斯•约翰森则略为幸运,名列该榜第14位。Incumbent La`or mayor Ken Livingstone was the country's 11th worst dressed man but his Conservative rival Boris Johnson fared only slightly better, coming 14th on the list.

他赢得了竞选,而且到2011年尾的时候,7500多条小道上的396辆巴士将会被淘汰——到下年的市长选举的时候,他的竞选对手将会是利文斯通。He won, and by the end of 2011, all 396 bendy members of the 7,500 fleet will be purged—in time for next year's mayoral election, at which his opponent will be Mr Livingstone.

从世界范围的角度来看,利文斯通现象的出现绝非偶然,而是一个复杂多变的历史性进程中的必然现象。At the worldwide angle, the appearance of Livingstone phenomenon is by no means coincidental, but is an inevitable phenomenon in a complex and changeable historical advancement.