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为什么要教常用字?Why teaching Sight Words?

我是他的教研员。I was his teaching fellow.

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寓学于教。Learn from teaching others.

研究生教助也要跟着做,好的。Teaching fellows too. Okay.

他是教学马修鱼。He is teaching Matthew Fish.

他将教代数学。He will be teaching algebra.

这是一种完美可行的教学法。It's an AOK teaching method.

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您的教授真是让人如沐春风。Ywe teaching is so inspiring.

他偶然找到了一份教书的工作。He lucked into a teaching job.

我在2002开始教学校乐队。I began teaching band in 2002.

这是我们的教学大楼。This is our teaching building.

甚么是教跋文?What is a teaching postscript?

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循循善诱,诲人不倦的是老师。Coaxing, teaching is a teacher.

他致力于教学事业。He devotes himself to teaching.

我喜爱教滑翔。So I like teaching paragliding.

我仍旧担任教研员。Again I was his teaching fellow.

水墨画教学游戏化。First, teaching the game of ink.

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填鸭式授课还是互动式教学?Lecture or Interactive Teaching?

你这学期教什么课?What are you teaching this term?

你们独特的教学风格。Your particular teaching styles.