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这种所谓的Peltier效应也可用来给诸如笔记本电脑这样的电子设备降温。This so-called Peltier effect also helps cool electronic device such as laptops.

XAFS的研究数据在使用一台被磷覆盖冷却的普林斯顿CCD相机收集了。The XAFS data were collected using a phosphorus-masked Peltier cooled Princeton CCD camera.

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最先进的半导体元件被证实在600000个循环内至今没有任何失误。State-of-the-art peltier elements have demonstrated more than 600000 cycles so far without any failures.

根据珀耳贴效应并针对半导体制冷器的特性,提出了一种温度模糊控制方法。According to the Peltier effect and contraposing the characteristic of TEC, the method of fuzzy control is presented.

由于其特有的热电效应,珀尔贴装置在加热和冷却条件下都可以使用。Due to the special properties of the thermoelectrical effect, Peltier devices can be used for both heating and cooling.

目标是基于帕尔帖效应生产一种可以利用直流电进行制冷的织物。The aim was to produce a textile cooling element, based on the Peltier effect, which could be operated via a DC voltage.

为了提高基于帕尔帖效应的红外动态景像仿真屏的工作效率,根据仿真屏的工作特点设计了一种驱动电路。For improving the work efficiency of the dynamic IR scene simulation screen based on the Peltier effect, a drive circuit was designed.

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该热循环仪带有一个程序控制模块,单独的控制半导体元件可保证在升降温时极高的温度均一性。The thermocycler has a processor controlled block with separately controlled peltier elements for extraordinary temperature homogeneity at high heating and cooling rates.

第四章对硅微通道板结构的热电特性,主要是塞贝克效应和珀尔帖效应进行测试,并对测试结果进行分析讨论。In chapter four, the thermoelectric properties, mainly the Seebeck effect and Peltier effect of microchannel structures are tested, and test results are analyzed and discussed.

TC系列基因扩增仪均采用先进的半导体制冷技术,具有控温精度高、升降温速度快、温度均匀、体积小、无污染、低噪音等特点。TC series Thermal cyclers use advanced Peltier technology to deliver accuracy, economy, speedy ramping, unparalleled thermal uniformity, small footprint, no-pollution and low noise.