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那你的鬓脚呢?How about your sideburns?

请不要剪鬓发。Please don't cut my sideburns.

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好的,先生。髦角怎么留?Yes, sir. How about the sideburns?

请不要修掉我的鬓角。NO10,5. Please don't cut off my sideburns.

弹出式修剪刀用于修剪长须和鬓角。Pop-up trimmer for moustache and sideburns.

明妃初出汉宫时,泪湿春风鬓脚垂。The beginning of the Palace Ming Fei, the tears wet spring sideburns down.

史都华确实是玉树临风,沈腰潘鬓。Steward was indeed tall and handsome, with a narrow waist and gray sideburns.

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我想剪掉您的鬓脚,修剪一下两侧和后面的头发,然后把头顶剪成稍微尖尖的形状。I want to cut off your sideburns , trim the sides and back, and make the top a bit spiky.

目的总结并介绍利用扩张头皮瓣修复鬓角的方法。Objective To summary and introduce the method to reconstruct sideburns with expanded scalp flap.

他的双眼是令人无法抗拒的明亮铜币,他的连鬓胡和须茬增添了他的男性魅力。His eyes are a mesmerising light brown, and his sideburns and stubble add to his masculine charm.

后来在1942年冬天,俄国人反攻,他的连鬓胡不长了。Then, in the winter of 1942, the Russians launched a counter-offensive and the sideburns came to a halt.

从左向右运动并继续完成这条线。根据需要修剪他的鬓角。告诉你的男人他看起来很好。Move from left to right and continue the line. Trim his sideburns as needed. Tell your man how good he looks.

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这条线应该是环绕脑袋的一条直线,包括耳后、发际线和鬓角部位。The line should be continuously straight all around the head, behind the ears, at the hairline and on sideburns.

在今年瑞士科尔举行的阿尔卑斯“美髯大会”上,随处可见那些奇奇怪怪的小胡子和神气活现的鬓角胡须。Marvelous moustaches and swashbuckling sideburns packed out this year’s Alpine Beard Festival in Chur, Switzerland.

右边的那位,留着连鬓胡,身穿T恤衫,头戴印有国旗的棒球帽,显然是个蓝领。The one on the right, with his sideburns and T-shirt and flag-bearing baseball hat, has a distinctly working-class look.

目的介绍一种切口隐蔽、安全、有效、持久的面中上部除皱术式。Objective To introduce a safe, effective and lasting rhytidectomy technique without destroying the configuration of sideburns.

当决定增加上下胡须甚至连鬓胡子时都要将基本脸型考虑进去。The base face shape also is taken in consideration when deciding to add facial hair like beards, mustaches and even sideburns.

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以此为基础,对56例鬓角处瘢痕、血管瘤、色素痣患者,利用扩张的头皮瓣进行治疗。Base on these knowledge, 56 patients with sideburns defect secondary to scar, hemangioma, pigmented nevus were treated with expanded scalp flaps.

当时,柯林斯还是个蓄着连鬓胡子的年轻英国生物学家,他对研究狒狒有着强烈兴趣,在冈贝丛林,狒狒是另一种最为常见的灵长类。Collins was then a young British biologist with muttonchop sideburns and a strong interest in baboons, the other most conspicuous primate at Gombe.

1974年,他还是高中橄榄球队的队长──高大、帅气、留着络腮胡子,摩尔说那当时可是风行一时。In 1974, he was captain of the high-school football team -- tall, handsome, with mutton-chop sideburns that Ms. Moore says were 'all the rage at the time.'