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柏拉图将太阳神庙的箴言「了解自己」列为优先顺序。Plato gave priority to the Delphic maxim, "Know yourself".

德尔菲神谕事件,不论好坏,都标志着,一个苏格拉底思想传记中的重要转折点。The Delphic story for what it's worth marks a major turning point in Socrates' intellectual biography.

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这个讨论往往绕著太阳神庙的原理「了解自己」打转及表达。Often the discussion gravitates around and is phrased in terms of the Delphic principle, "Know yourself".

苏格拉底如此解译德尔菲神谕,至少是为了要能够,和其它人进行哲学对话。The Delphic Oracle is interpreted by Socrates at least to command engaging with others in philosophical conversation.

苏格拉底如此解译德尔菲神谕,至少是为了要能够,和其它人进行哲学对话。The Delphic Oracle is interpreted by Socrates at least to command engaging with others in philosophical conversation.

特尔斐泉水的样本以及断层裂缝岩石的样本中提炼出几种化学物质,其中包括乙烯。Samples from Delphic spring water and rock from the intersecting faults revealed traces of several chemicals including ethylene.

因此,他去了,虽然他是个暴君,但是暴君也得去神示所,因为他想知道神想要什么So, goes to -- he's a barbarian, but the barbarians came to the Delphic Oracle too, because you want to know what the gods want.

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德尔斐神谕并非苏格拉底使命形成的根本原因。In the present paper, the writer tried to show that the Delphic oracle is not the root cause in the formation of Socrates' mission.

特尔斐泉水和交叉断层岩石的样本揭示了包括乙烯在内的几种化学物质的痕迹。Samples from Delphic spring water and from rock from the intersecting faults revealed traces of several chemicals including ethylene.

战中,德尔菲神谕既能延缓战争进程,又会加速战争进程,甚至还可以结束战争进程。The Delphic oracle which is releasing during the war could delay the course of the war, could speed up the process of the war, even could end the war.

想要入主白宫,就必须练就一身“合体功夫”,同时成为“童子军团长,特尔斐神谕,银幕英雄和国父等多个角色”。The occupant of the Oval Office had to be “a combination of scoutmaster, Delphic oracle, hero of the silver screen and father of the multitudes,” he said.

在普鲁塔克的时代,灵气的逸出开始减弱且变得不稳定,他认为,这使得德尔菲神谕对世界局势的影响力变小。In Plutarch's day the emission had become weak and irregular, the cause, in his opinion, of the weakening influence of the Delphic oracle in world affairs.

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在普鲁塔克的时代,灵气的逸出开始减弱且变得不稳定,他认为,这使得德尔菲神谕对世界局势的影响力变小。In Plutarch 's day the emission had become weak and irregular, the cause , in his opinion , of the weakening influence of the Delphic oracle in world affairs.

他们会准确地告诉你,此为何种气体,以及该气体有何特性,而且它与我们所知的德尔菲神谕的,所有细节都相符合They tell you precisely what the gases were, what the characteristics of those gases were, and it squared beautifully with all details that we heard about the Delphic Oracle.

苏格拉底表示自己曾受德尔菲的神谕或阿波罗神的命令,去探询他是否如神谕所说的那样是实际上最智慧的人。He presents himself as having been commanded by the Delphic oracle, or the god Apollo, to find out whether he is in truth the wisest of men, as the oracle is reported to have said.

第三章,笔者首先指出,战争期间,军队将领易受德尔菲神谕的影响,从而会对战争进程或结局产生重大影响。The third chapter, firstly I point out during the period of war, the Delphic oracle could affect the military officer's decision-making, thus could affect the course and result of the war.

德尔菲神谕,通常指阿波罗神借女祭司皮西娅之口发布的晦涩难懂的预言性言辞。Delphic oracle usually refers to either obscure or difficult to understand spoken language or enlightenment, which the Apollo god taking advantage of the priestess Phythia's mouth to issue.

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他回忆起那个故事,你们记得吗,关于一位名为Charephon的朋友,他前去请示阿波罗神谕,即德尔菲神谕,是否有人比苏格拉底聪明,得到的结果是没有。He recalls the story don't you remember of a man named Charephon a friend of his who had gone to the Delphic Oracle who had gone to Oracle of Delphi and asked if there was anyone wiser than Socrates and was told there was not.