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月亮是冷傲的情人。The moon is a harsh mistress.

现在去告诉你的女主人。Go now and tell your mistress.

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到底是什么啊,好西宾斯太太?What is it, good Mistress Hibbins?

经验是愚者之师。经一事,长一智。Experience is the mistress of fools.

伊什塔,诸神女主人,记住!ISHTAR, Mistress of the Gods, Remember!

实际上,她是一个魔鬼的情妇。In fact, she was a mistress of a devil.

她还做过……老公爵的情妇。She was the mistress of the old Duke de.

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自然每个人都有他的情妇。Naturally, each of them had his mistress.

哦,伟大的五头龙后!Oh great five-headed Mistress of Dragons!

也就是说中国是日本的弃妇啦?So is China the jilted mistress of Japan?

弗丽嘉!家庭与壁炉边的女主人,欢迎您降临此处。Frigg, Mistress of home and hearth, Join us.

然而,情妇是危险的,因为她可能会泄密。But the mistress is dangerous—she could talk.

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月亮是一个被铁腕政权统治的严酷的殖民地。The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Robert Heinlein.

财富是个好仆人,也是一个坏主妇。Wealth is a good servant, a very bad mistress.

她的策略是成为地上树上两个世界都吃得开的能人。Her strategy was to be mistress of both worlds.

比出自我情人口中的气息。Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.

王后在她自己的屋顶下,应该是她自己的主人。A queen should be mistress beneath her own roof.

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我要跟她说一句话——你的女主人。I want to have one word with her--your mistress.

陈姨太也回到了她的年老的母亲那里。Mistress Chen, was visiting with her old mother.

不要忘记冲动是歹毒的情人。And never forget that momentum is a cruel mistress.