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我能承受那不忠之痛。I can take the pain of infidelity.

他不能原谅妻子的不贞行为。He couldn't forgive his wife's infidelity.

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这时它们才意识到感情不忠的存在。This is when they are susceptible to emotional infidelity.

他们还可以向你提供有形的,证明了他的不忠。They can also provide you with tangible proof of his infidelity.

一般来说,这对于无信仰的人是最重要的原因。Generally, this is believed to be the top most reason for infidelity.

但将夫妻不忠归罪在线约会则是本末倒置了。But to blame the service for infidelity is to confuse cause and effect.

要承认自己不忠,比承认别人不再爱你容易得多。To admit infidelity than others, that is no longer love you much easier.

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因为家庭财务问题的争吵是离婚的第一大原因,他甚至超过对婚姻的不忠。Financial feuds are the No. 1 reason for divorce--even besting infidelity.

不忠诚-亲密的关系是神圣的-信任的良心循环。Infidelity. – Intimate relationships are a sacred bond – a circle of trust.

在不久前,日本的妻子们还忍受着各种背叛和虐待。Not so long ago Japanese wives put up with any amount of infidelity and abuse.

参与者还会问及现实生活中的不忠经历。Participants were also asked the outcomes of real-life infidelity experiences.

穆切认为,人们或许不会一口承认自己的婚外情。Munsch concedes people probably aren't 100 percent honest about their infidelity.

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他们报复心重,对爱情中的背叛和不忠不易原谅。They are very revengeful and slow to forgive infidelity and unfaithfulness in love.

什么事情让你感觉你的配偶背叛了你——冷淡?不诚实?还是不贞?What would make you feel betrayed by your mate-indifference? dishonesty? infidelity?

不忠比例似乎在上涨,尤其在年稍长者和年青夫妇之间。Infidelity appears to be on the rise, particularly among older men and young couples.

从以前的观点来看,当提到配偶之间背叛的事男性都会大大的吹嘘一番。Historically, the male sex gets most of the flak when it comes to infidelity among spouses.

兰德说她发现马里奥对她不忠,而且证据确凿。Landry said she discovered "really strong evidence" of the Saved by the Bell star's infidelity.

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研究者一般认为,不忠行为的实际数字要比调查结果所显示的高。Researchers generally believe that actual infidelity numbers are higher than the results indicate.

一些专家认为,人们揭露过去不忠的唯一原因是因为愤怒。Some counselors have argued that the only reason people reveal past infidelity is because of anger.

即使这行不通,他妻子也会有一沓与他对质公堂的凿凿证据。Failing that, his wife will have a sizable dossier with evidence of infidelity to confront him with.