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他砰的一声倒在地板上了.He crashed down on the floor with a wallop.

我要饲逮注浙个流氓,溉狠狠揍他一顿不可!If I ever catch the rascal I'll really wallop him!

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奉加盟,沃洛普会询问您的信用卡信息。Upon joining, Wallop will ask for your credit card information.

冲落则是利用水流的冲击力达到一次排污。Strong falling is to use the wallop of current to achieve blowdown.

换句话说,如果他们还这么做,以色列也仍然可以回去再给他们来一次沉重的打击。And besides, if they did , Israel could always go back wallop them again.

你遭受的健康冲击可能与身体所表现出来的不谋而合。The precise health wallop you suffer may have to do with how your body manifests stress.

工频变压器输出方式,输出功率能力强,抗冲击力强。Power-frequency transformer output style, strong capability output power, better contradict wallop.

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他们把人反转吊起来,用警棍和软木板击打疑犯身体,叫他们认罪。They hang them upside down and use heavy batons and koboko to wallop them all over their body, and tell them to confess.

换瓶可以给这款酒带来更劲的口感,在前一晚打开它,换入玻璃瓶中,24小时后,酒的味道就完整地苏醒了。Decant for the full wallop. Try opening the bottle the night before and enjoy a glass 24 hours later when the wine is fully opened.

与文字符号相比,视觉符号的直观性、易读性、生动性等特点使它更具视觉冲击力。Compared with verbal symbols, visual ones possess more wallop upon the eyes with their straightforwardness, legibility and vitality.

在真正出现事故时,冲击力总是朝向车头部分,反向安装儿童坐椅,可最大限度分散冲击力。In appear truly accident, impact towards the front part always, reverse installation children sit chair, can maximize scattered wallop.

加上沃洛普的社交网络社区,成年人现在有地方可去的地方是有针对性的严格的成年人。With the addition of Wallop to the social networking community, adults now have a place to go where it is targeted strictly for adults.

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你不需要走很远去寻找一些其实很容易准备却被忽视的食品的选择机会,也不需要包装一个有营养的冲击力和避免不健康的油脂。You don't have to go far to find some overlooked food choices that are easy to prepare, pack a nutritional wallop and avoid unhealthy fats.

介绍了风动大理石雕刻器的工作原理,在计算了冲击力的基础上,对雕刻器的结构进行了设计和力学分析。This paper introduced the principle of the pneumatic carve machine in marble, designed and analyzed the structure based on the calculation of wallop.

一名男子冲向默多克,坐在其身后的妻子邓文迪,一跃而起,看样子用右手猛打了袭击者一下。A man lunging towards Rupert Murdoch and his wife Wendi, who was sitting behind him leaping up and appearing to wallop the assailant with her right arm.

但是总统奥巴吗和他的同僚们正准备用一系列新税的组合拳打击家庭和企业,以此来为一系列支出计划提供资金。But President Obama and his allies in Congress are gearing up to wallop families and businesses with an array of new taxes to fund a host of spending plans.

退而求其次,墙面用长古小砖纯黑色铺成,勾5厘米白缝,视觉震撼冲击力强。Retreat and beg next, metope is spread with pure black of long ancient small brick, tick off 5 centimeters to be seamed in vain, visual shock wallop is strong.

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凸凹花纹以凸凹起伏、错落有致、独特的肌理效应在视觉上给人以较强的冲击力,因而,常被用在针织毛衫设计中。Concavo-convex veins are always used in the design of woolen sweater, for it is undulate, irregular, inimitable texture, and gives takes strong wallop to people.

这个小帮手可小,但它包冲击和完美的同伴为您捕鱼场,用大量的功能和先进的功能。This little helper may be small, but it packs a wallop and is the perfect companion for your fishing outings, with plenty of functionality and advanced features.

介绍定重装载系统应用,并针对使用过程中出现的闸门无法关闭、空载提升、缺少油位保护、黏煤运行等问题作出改进。Aims at the loading system of main well in our coal mine, several problems are discussed, such as the great wallop and the maintenance problem existing in the pneumatic system.