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魔法师然后给了她一个花的种子。The sorcerer then gave her a flower seed.

那巫师置那武士于奴隶地位。The sorcerer held the knight in thralldom.

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魔术家、男巫、巫师和男巫士。Magician, wizard, necromancer, and sorcerer.

问题2。彼得为什么责备行邪术的西门?。Q. 2 Why did Peter scold Simon the sorcerer?

你必须选择你将成为什么样的魔术师。You have to choose what kind of sorcerer you will be.

一个邪恶的法师或术士开发出一种新型魔像。An evil wizard or sorcerer develops a new kind of golem.

相传纳瓦是一位半人半狼的法师。The Nagual was a sorcerer who was believed to be part wolf.

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他的敌人总说他是巫师而非主教。His enemies always claimed he was more sorcerer than septon.

巫师回来了,朱瓦宁又变成蚂蚁。When the sorcerer returned, Jacked changed back into an ant.

除了我的师傅林道长,没有人能知道其中的原由。If anybody would know, it would be my Teacher, the great sorcerer Lin.

只因为你被尊称为大法师,就把我当作乡野术士了?Because you are called Archmage, do you take me for a village sorcerer?

它的效果将等同于一个10级术士所施展的弱能法术。This is identical with the enervation spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer.

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那里有一个邪恶的巫师和一场大战,我父母是救世主。There was an evil sorcerer and a great battle, and my parents were saviors.

为了学会其力量的秘密,皮提亚为一个强大的巫师服务了数十年。Pythia served a powerful sorcerer for decades to learn the secrets of his power.

为了报仇,一名强大的巫师将泰格纳王国从现实中清除了。In an act of revenge, a powerful sorcerer erases the kingdom of Tigana from existance.

当然了,魔法师巨人是肯定不会害怕再多四个小矮人的。埃迪在哪儿?Surely the giant Sorcerer isn't afraid of four more upstart pipsqueaks. Where is Eddie?

有一天,一个邪恶的巫师施法后山和流动立即停止。One day an evil sorcerer cast a spell upon the mountain and the flow immediately stopped.

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艾格文是倒数第二个提瑞斯法守护者,还是星界法师麦迪文的母亲。Aegwynn was the second-to-last Guardian of Tirisfal, and the mother of the sorcerer Medivh.

你知道,兰德是再生的龙,当时最强大的法师。You see, Rand is the Dragon Reborn, the most powerful male sorcerer to live during his age.

我认为他曾是一个很有名望的术士,但他并不喜欢谈论他的过去。I think he used to be a sorcerer of great renown , but he doesn't like to talk about his past.