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神爱是个骗子。God loves a liar.

他是个大骗子。He is such a liar.

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你是一个大骗子。You' re a big liar.

我认出他是个骗子。I know him for a liar.

西方就是个大骗子。The West is a big liar.

他是个十足的骗子。He is a bald-faced liar.

她是个巧言令色的说谎高手。She was a plausible liar.

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他们把他说成是一个高明的撒谎者。They called him a good liar.

唉,她到死都是一个撒谎的人呀!Why, she's a liar to the end!

你觉得他是个大骗子吗?Do you think he is a big liar?

吹牛与说谎话本是同宗。A boaster and a liar are cousin.

这样就会让说谎者放松。This will make the liar at ease.

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爱吹牛的人和骗子都是一丘之貉。A boaster and a liar are all one.

自夸的人和说谎的人都是同一类人。A boaster and a liar are all one.

吹牛和说谎本是同宗。A boaster and a liar are cousins.

如果他说不会,那他是在撒谎。If he says he's not, he's a liar.

那么,怎样才能成为一个好骗子呢?So how do you become a good liar?

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她是彻头彻尾的说谎者/骗子。She is a liar through and through.

你以前的撒谎本事还好些.You used to be a much better liar.

他把那个好自夸的男人称作说谎者。He labeled the boastful man a liar.