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以…来除成为…的精确除数。To be an exact divisor of.

它当前的值为0.132129493。The current divisor is 0.132129493.

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从被除数中减去除数。The divisor is subtracted from the dividend.

那么这到底跟我的除数的例子有什么关系呢?What in the world does that have to do with my divisor example?

因为在你们之间找到一个“公约数”确实太难。不知你以为如何?Is that because it is too hard to find a "common divisor" among you three?

适用欧几里德算法来计算7735和4185的最大公约数。Use Euclid's algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor of 7735 and 4185.

适用欧几里德算法来计算7735和4185的最大公约数。Use Euclid’s algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor of 7735 and 4185.

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你还可以用这个除数来考察某只股票是如何影响这个平均数的。You can also use this divisor to see how an individual stock influences the average.

除子标量乘是超椭圆曲线密码体制中的关键运算。Divisor scalar multiplication is the key operation in hyperelliptic curve cryptosystem.

一种完成除法运算的部件,它的输入是除数和被除数,输出是商和余数…The inputs to it are divisor and dividend, the outputs from it are quotient and remainder.

第四个除数,给我第二个到第五个除数。I could go in and say give me the fourth divisor, give me the second through fifth divisor.

最大公约数和最小公倍数请计算两个整数的最大公约数和最小公倍数。GCD and LCM. Determine the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of a pair of integers.

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研究了平方补数集合中的除数问题,改进并推广了原有的结果。The divisor problem in additive square complements is studied, which improves results ever deduced.

本文将完全刻划出无零因子环的所有幂自同态。In this paper , we will completely characterize all power endomorphisms of rings without zero divisor.

五个像素的线分区稍后将被重写为图像中饼图分区之间的白色分隔符。The five-pixel line divisor will be overwritten later as a white separator between pie slices in the image.

本文选用的因子分析方法,避免了对企业评价过程中人为因素的影响。In this paper, divisor analysis method can avoid the influence of person factor in the course of evaluation.

实数范围内多项式的因式分解在初等数学的许多领域占有举足轻重的地位。The divisor decompose of polynomial in real number field be important in the many field of elementary mathematics.

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所有的指数除数调整,都是在股票交易所交易结束之后和计算完标准普尔500的价值之后才进行的。All Divisor adjustments are made after trading hours and after the calculation of the closing value of the S&P 500 Index.

一个数被另一个数所除,但不写下所有步骤的过程,尤其当除数是一位数时。The process of dividing one number by another without writing down all the steps, especially when the divisor is a single digit.

研究了平方剩余数的性质,给出了平方剩余数对于除数函数的均值公式。Studying the properties of square residues, and giving a mean value formula of the divisor function for square residue sequences.