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非常跳跃的音乐Pretty skippy.

莫妮卡,你以为史基喜欢你吗?。Monica, you think Skippy liked you?

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跳跳绕着大蘑菇跳来跳去,他真是太高兴啦!Skippy skipped around in circles, he was so happy.

一个很简单的例子是Skippy花生酱。One easy example here would be Skippy peanut butter.

雨点姐姐看到了跳跳,也为她感到难过。The rain too, was watching Skippy and felt sorry for him.

这是级进的音乐,连续的音乐呢,还是轻快,跳跃的音乐呢Is this conjunct music--step-wise music-- or jumpy, skippy music?

跳跳心疼弟弟,于是,他出门找吃的去了。Skippy was very sorry for him and went out for something suitable for a meal.

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汉卡克郡动物保护检查人员协助制伏这只名叫「跳跳」的宠物袋鼠。Hancock County Animal Control officers helped capture the pet kangaroo, named Skippy.

用户的目标是找出这个事件是否涉及了Skippy牌的花生酱。The user's goal was to find out whether the problem affected Skippy brand peanut butter.

动物保护检查员肯尼?麦康纳海表示,「跳跳」的死因不明。The cause of Skippy 's death was not known, said Kenny McConahay, an animal control officer.

把朋友叫来和我们一起分享吧,这么大的蘑菇我们可不能独吞。We should call our friends to share with us. We should not eat this all alone, " said Skippy."

坚持住,司机!卡特琳卡来了!司机!-前面是谷仓!当心!我们要撞上了!当心!Hang on, Skipper! Katrinka come! Skippy ! -Here comes the barn! Look out! We're gonna hit it! Look out!

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用户被这个超长的页面所淹没,很快找到页面内的搜索,并且输入“skippy”。Overwhelmed by this long scrolling page, the user quickly turned to the within-page search and entered "skippy."

这有一份四季宝花生酱的配料表,你可以看到糖是含量第二多的原料Here's a list of ingredients from Skippy Peanut Butter and you see that sugar is the second most common ingredient.

我们听过贝多芬的曲子,非常跳跃,但在柴可夫斯基的乐曲里,音高急转直下,动机部分连续出现音程下降Well, we've got a skippy Beethoven music but here with Tchaikovsky he's coming down, just straight down, down consecutive intervals there for the most part.

我们听过贝多芬的曲子,非常跳跃,但在柴可夫斯基的乐曲里,音高急转直下,动机部分连续出现音程下降。Well, we've got a skippy Beethoven music but here with Tchaikovsky he's coming down, just straight down, down consecutive intervals there for the most part.

如此完美的奥康纳,每次都被要求盛装出席奥斯卡及准备得奖感言,他也答应母亲吉比会在上台致词时不忘感激她,然而自1984年起,他便一直坐在台下为其他获奖者喝采。Yet this blameless man, who has promised to thank his mother Skippy if he ever wins, has been required to dress up, prepare a speech and applaud someone else's name 16 times since 1984.