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任随凡尘岁月的触抚。The touch of earthly years.

法德还有更多世俗的建议。Fard also had more earthly advice.

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风起轮回尘世路。Wind from the cycle of earthly Road.

你从桑蒂的土冢举步,那里有个魔鬼之窟。From Santi's earthly tomb with demon's hole.

这简直是毫无理由的瞎胡闹。It's playing the goat for no earthly reason.

上帝的智慧和凡尘的不同。Life. God's wisdom is not like earthly wisdom.

十二地支是什么?What are Celestial Stems and Earthly Branches?

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她似乎已割舍了与人间的大多数血脉亲情。She appeared to have let go of most earthly ties.

它的职责是满足你的尘世间的创造。Its function is to fulfill your earthly creations.

而且,在尘世间还有他能得到慰藉和施以情感之处。And he had earthly consolation and affections also.

一栋楼需要花多少钱你们有没有一点现实的概念?Do you have any earthly idea how much abuliding costs?

她没有责任去确保世俗的精确和逼真。She has no duty to earthly accuracy or verisimilitude.

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这些懒惰的世人应该受到鞭打。Those lazy earthly people will deserve to be scourged.

我们成为基督徒的那一刻,属世的人生便出现了一个分水岭。Earthly life is divided at that point for the Christian.

然而,这幅照片确实是在地球上拍摄的。Nevertheless, the picture is very much an earthly affair.

无奈是,现世的晞岚,实在是无法接受这事实!Helpless, earthly Xi arashi is really cant accept this fact!

属地的力在活动的时候,属天的力不能工作。Spiritual forces cannot work while earthly forces are active.

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山洞里来了天使啦,要不然,也是世间少有的美少女。There is an angel in the cave, or if not, an earthly paragon.

在看到这样美丽的东西时,人们会忘记世俗的一切。When one beholds such beauty, one forgets all things earthly.

同着四十几年的人世生活的凌侮。Along with over forty years' humiliation of the earthly world.