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一个很大的华丽的展览厅。A large ornate exhibition hall.

而且野鸡从华丽的房梁上飞。And pheasants flew ceiling beams ornate.

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他写文章时喜欢雕砌词藻。He likes to use an ornate style when writing.

用华丽的饰物代替简单的珠宝饰品。Replace simple jewelry with more ornate pieces.

他写文章时喜欢雕砌词藻。To load one's writing with ornate and fancy phrases.

她穿着一件黑色长裙,戴着一串华丽的项链。She wore an ornate necklace with her plain black dress.

在内部与装饰性的外立面形成完全的对比。Internally there is a total contrast to the ornate façade.

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带来夏日里最最华丽的送葬。To bring the summer far the most ornate funeral procession.

这个教堂中繁复华丽的雕刻是非凡的艺术创作。The ornate carvings in the church are excellent works of art.

它因为它那华丽的喷泉和吸引人的论坛而著名。It was famous for its ornate fountain and its attractive forum.

她穿着盖住了她头部的华丽黑色长袍出来。She came dressed in ornate black robes and with her head covered.

老威尔玛剧院是一座古怪的、可爱的、装饰华丽的河边建筑。The old Wilma Theatre is a funky, lovely, ornate riverside venue.

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父亲送给我一对华丽的银耳环作为我的生日礼物。For my birthday, my father gave me a pair of ornate silver earrings.

我在他的表面,用了很多装饰,以及镂雕,这使他给人古旧的感觉。I used the more ornate and engraved look for a more antiquated feel.

巴罗克时期的家具以豪华的雕刻作为鉴别标志。Furniture of the baroque period can be recognized by its ornate carvings.

餐桌中心的绿色火箭发射场模型上摆着一座精美的火箭模型。The centerpiece was an ornate model rocket on a green fauna launching pad.

一座大的,通常是装饰华丽的建筑物,用来娱乐或展览语源。A large, often gaudily ornate building used for entertainment or exhibitions.

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在教堂讲坛上面的装饰华丽的雕刻品是出自于印第安人之作。The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indi-an hands.

神石湿婆林伽竖立在柬埔寨吴哥寺华美的围墙之间。A Siva Linga stands amid the ornate walls of the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia.

而这块占卜板样式非常古老,装饰得很华丽,它的盘面和指针是木制的,上面嵌着玻璃。It was very ornate and antique looking with a wood dial and glass opening in it.