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他正成为理性妇女的偶像。He's becoming the thinking woman's pinup.

因为裙子太长,她只得把裙摆别起来。As the skirt was too 1ong, she had to pinup the hem.

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如果想看更多迷人、性感的美女,你就要解开所有的性爱码哦!Your mission to see more and more sexy pinup girls is to solve the code sex!

你回答问题正确的越多,你就可看到更多可爱的女孩图片。The more quests you answer correct, the more you will see of the lovely pinup girl pictures.

只要把拼图拼出来,你就会看到一位性感的美女图了!Solve the puzzle the pinup girl. After solving the puzzle you get another sexy girl puzzle to solve.

还透露在玉米片后面这个令人吃惊的历史,二战的美女照女孩,汽车设计很多。Also revealed are the surprising histories behind Cornflakes, WWII pinup girls, car design and so much more.

你可能会发现你的伴侣是不太舒服,如果他们认为你是想象他们当作你的童年打扮或前合伙人,虽然。You may find your partner isn't quite so comfortable if they think you are imagining them as your childhood pinup or ex-partner, though.

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是没有太多的证据显示,这条法令达成那些负责创意美术女郎对一个-2外套,在很多轰炸机和战斗机部队。There is not much evidence that this edict reached those responsible for the creative pinup artwork on the A-2 jackets in many bomber and fighter units.

战时美女招贴中细到极致的高跟鞋,在50年代初成了现实,社会鼓励现实生活中的女性去模仿那些画报女郎。The exceptionally thin heels depicted in wartime pinup art were made reality in the early 1950s and real-life women were encouraged to emulate those pinup ideals.

我们大多数人当中应该能回想起那个时候妈妈冲我们吼叫,并威胁要夺走我们看电视的权利,不打扫我们房间的,如果我们不撕掉房间里面50年代经典裸女海报。That takes most of us back to childhood when our Mother was yelling at us and threatening to take away TV privileges if we didn't clean up our room or it is a classic 1950′s pinup pose.