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她也是我的最爱!GIO She is my favorite as well!

如果让你成为某种动物,你希望是什么?原因呢?GIO If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

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除此之外,基耶利尼同吉奥文科也未必能够出场。In addition, with Gio arts Chiellini may not be able to play.

哇,超过500个性伴侣,全部在镜头里?GIO Wow, over 500 sexual partners. Were all of those on camera?

我相信你是对的。记得谁是你的第一个搭档吗?GIO I believe you are correct, and your first scene partner was?

听起来真的很有趣。你们两个经常一起结伴旅游?GIO That sounds funny. Do you two hang out a lot and travel together some?

当然你可以尝试做任何你想做的事情。你最喜欢什么颜色?GIO Well you can do anything you set your mind to. Do you have a favorite color?

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在卧室,你喜欢男人或女人穿什么来让你动心?GIO What do you like to see your men and women wearing in the bedroom to turn you on?

回答的太棒了。在这些人里,有没有那个特别的场景是你最喜欢的?GIO Great answer! Out of all those men, is there a particular scene that stands out as a favorite for you?

你愿意和读者分享一个很特别而你还没实现的性幻想吗?GIO Do you have one particular sexual fantasy that you can share with the readers that has yet to be fulfilled?

那倒是真的。如果我去问你那两个最要好的朋友你最好的品德是什么?你猜他们会说什么?GIO That makes sense. If I were to ask your two closest friends what your best quality is, what would they tell me?

阿扬-罗本亦踢完全场,在巴塞罗那的乔瓦尼-范布隆克霍斯特进球之前,他曾经距离进球很近。Arjen Robben, who played the whole game, went close with a shot before Barcelona's Gio vanni van Bronckhorst hit the target.

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新闻局国内处也是常常加班的政府单位,夜幕已低垂,来碗泡面果腹吧!Working late at the GIO 's domestic department, a bowl of instant noodles helps staff on overtime make it through the night.

但随着巴西人的受伤,范布象里杰卡尔德证明了谁才是巴萨左后卫的主力人选。But with the Brazilian injured, Gio seized the opportunity to convince Rijkaard who should be the regular left sided defender in the team.

新闻局真正该做的是认同和资助辛苦付出自己时间和金钱,却没有收入的本土导演。What the GIO really should be doing is awarding recognition and financing to local filmmakers who are laboring with nothing but their own time and money.

弗兰克·里杰卡尔德将拉姆看成32岁的左边后卫范布隆克霍斯特的最佳代替者。范的合同将在下个到期。Frank Rijkaard sees Lahm as a long-term successor to current left-back Gio van Bronckhorst who will be 32 when his contract expires at the end of next season.

如果买不来好的前腰,买来卡萨诺接过9号半的枪而将吉奥文科打造成为前腰,也不失为一种好的选择。If you do not come to buy good Qian Yao, bought Cassano took the gun and a half on the 9th and Gio will be to create arts Qian Yao, but also be a good choice.

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上赛季蒂亚戈和阿尔米隆等人就因为无法满足他的防守要求,而成为了替补席上的牺牲品,本赛季轮到了身材矮小但技术精湛的吉奥文科。Tiago and Almiron last season and others because he can not meet the defense requirements, in order to become a victim of the bench, this season's turn of the short but skilled Gio arts.

今日的时尚舞台,假若少了乔治?阿玛尼便称不上完美,因为他正是那个凭借对时尚的独特视角与真知灼见为世界定义完美的人。No GIO the fashionable stage will not become perfect because he is naturally known to be a person who has a unique perspective and has his own thoughtfulness to the definition of the world.

吉奥·范布隆克霍斯特与卡努相互配合,然后想把球输送至皮雷所行驶的左路快车道上。A minute after the interval Pires made it six with the goal of the night. Gio van Bronckhorst exchanged passes with Kanu and tried to thread the ball into the left channel for Pires to run on to.