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他已经得到了赎身的钱了。He's got the ransom money.

我应该赎回我的自由么?Should I ransom my freedom?

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你可以为他们要求赎金You could demand ransom for them.

接下去就是赎金本身。And then there is the ransom itself.

那幅画一定价值连城。That painting must be worth a king's ransom.

然后他们将一张写有赎金的纸条寄到了弗兰克斯家中。They then mailed a ransom note to the Franks.

船员一般在被赎之后就会被释放。Crews are usually freed after a ransom is paid.

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当然可以,兰森夫人。你有订单号么?Certainly, Ms. Ransom. Do you have an order number?

这条项链有一鸡心型坠子。Her diamond necklace must have cost a king's ransom.

赎金必须相当于我们所遭受的损失。The ransom must proportion the losses we have borne.

强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom.

绑匪向小孩的父母索取赎金。The kidnappers levied a ransom on the child's parents.

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不过,有新闻报导说,意大利支付了赎金。However, there are news reports that a ransom was paid.

一些博物馆愿意支付赎金将艺术品换回。Some museums will pay a ransom to get the artwork back.

是吗,兰森夫人?我是卡尔米勒。我要怎么样帮助你呢?Yes, Mr. Ransom? This is Karl Miller. How may I help you?

什么事,兰森女士?我叫卡尔。米勒。我能为您做什么?Yes, Ms. Ransom? This is Karl Miller. How may I help you?

这些蛋是她被要求为她的未婚夫被绑架勒索而偷的赎金。The eggs were demanded as ransom for her kidnapped fiancé.

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绑匪要求一大笔赎款才放人。The kidnapper demanded a huge ransom to return the victim.

那逃到逃城的人,你们不可为他收赎价Nor may you accept ransom in lieu of flight to a city of refuge.

那逃到逃城的人,你们不可为他收赎价“Nor may you accept ransom in lieu of flight to a city of refuge."