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她怜悯地向他伸出双手。She extended her hands towards him piteously.

她用哽咽了的嗓音苦苦哀求。She implored piteously a voice choked with sobs.

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她用哽咽了的嗓音苦苦哀求。She implored piteously , in a voice choked with sobs.

消散在彼此眼前、苦苦哀求、换来的只是疼痛。At present, each dissipate piteously entreat, is pain.

请你不要用那样迷离的眼神可怜巴巴的看着我。Please do not use as blurred eyes of looked at me piteously.

尖锐的哭声,甚至出现哀嚎的哭声。Sharp ground cry a voice, even appear to cry piteously of cry a voice.

在于挺的苦苦哀求之下,熊阔海只能冒险找安德森帮忙。Is quite the piteously entreat under, XiongKuo sea adventure find Anderson help.

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我还记得当我们离开她时我多么惋惜地对吉尔伯特说,‘我们在这里是多么开心,在其他地方我们再也不会这么开心了。I remember saying piteously to Gilbert when we left it, 'We've been so happy here.

在农夫想办法救它时,驴子在井里哀嚎了几个小时。The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

这只动物凄惨地叫了几个小时,与此同时农夫努力地思考该如何处理。The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

他先派人去带来一个可怜的小家伙,小家伙哭喊着自己的妈妈。First he would send for a poor little mite, who would cry piteously for his mother.

驴子惨叫了几个小时,农夫想方设法把他救出来。The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out a way to get him out.

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狮子生气地站起来,抓住他准备吃掉,小老鼠可怜巴巴的恳求。Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated.

伦克朗老汉一下哭了起来,样子很可怜,因为那太痛了。Then he began to cry most piteously , for it hurt him very much, and to entreat her to release him again.

中国现在不缺好企业,但是很多好企业是嗷嗷待哺的孩子。China does not lack good business now, but the child that a lot of good businesses are cry piteously for food.

她心里大声哀嚎,有没有这么变态啊!竟然就真让她碰上一个天山童姥!Her in the mind aloud cries piteously and have so erratic condition! Unexpectedly let her to encounter with a Mt. Heaven kid Mu!

牠们在海面上拍打翻滚凄惨地喊叫,看著船上傲慢的人们,正因著牠们的磨难在忘情欢呼。They thrash and roll on the surface of the sea and scream piteously as they look up to see arrogant men gloating over their suffering.

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有一天某个农民的一头驴子,不小心掉进一口枯井里,农民绞尽脑汁想办法救出驴子,但几个小时过去了,驴子还在井里痛苦地哀嚎着。One day, a farmer's donkey fell into a dried up well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

有一天,农夫的一头驴子,不小心掉进一口枯井里,农夫绞尽脑汁想办法要救出驴子,但几个小时过去了,驴子还在井里痛苦地哀嚎著。One day a farmer's donkey fell into an abandoned well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

活这么大,你没见过为了妻儿老小的嗷嗷待哺,而屈辱地向发号司令的女老板下跪的例子吗?Live is so big, you have not seen for a married man's entire family 's cry piteously for food, and a humiliating to command the female boss kneel example?