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关于调试我们来说几句。So a word about debugging.

这就需要我们去调试了。That gets us to debugging.

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调试与狩猎没什么不同。Debugging is not unlike a hunt.

调试就是另外一个过程了。Debugging is a different process.

调试的代码中去,然后运行看看结果。And I've put it in my debugging code.

调试标记可能会非常有用。Debugging flags can be pretty useful.

以调试状态启动服务器。Start the server in debugging status.

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新的调度程序调试接口The new scheduler debugging interface

⑤调试的便捷化趋势。The trend of the convenient debugging.

配有独立调试冷暖空调。Air conditioning with separate debugging.

这和我在讲调试的时候是一致的。In line with what I said about debugging.

在编号70的传送带那。They didn't apparently call it debugging.

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为了进行调试,必须查看日志。You have to check the logs for debugging.

好,发展到现在调试是一门。Alright. Now debugging is a learned skill.

我曾经尝试过在学期的开头。And at considerable length about debugging.

编写和调试切入点变得更加容易。Writing and debugging pointcuts is much easier.

顺便说一下,这是一种很好的调试方法。That, by the way, is also a good debugging tool.

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您可以简单地编写您的程序并启动调试。You simply write your program and start debugging.

一个新的被重写了的调试基础架构A new debugging infrastructure which has been re-written

甚至重视MSVC的调试您的本机代码。It even attaches to MSVC for debugging your native code.