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你就是一个农民。You're a peasant.

他是一个淳朴的庄稼人。He's an honest peasant.

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她是个疯农妇。She is a mad peasant woman.

而我呢,只是一个干瘪瘪的乡下主教。I am only a poor peasant bishop.

他出生在一个贫农家庭。He came of a poor peasant family.

那个农民带我们朝山下走。The peasant led us down the hill.

他早年是个农民。He was a peasant in his early years.

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王子乔装成农夫。The prince masqueraded as a peasant.

他喜欢杰勒德身上那种农民的朴实。He loved Gerard's peasant earthiness.

那位老农民在抽烟斗。The old peasant was puffing at his pipe.

老农抚摩着起皱纹的脸。The peasant is palming his wrinkled face.

老农抚摩着自己满是皱纹的脸。The peasant is palming his wrinkled face.

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他的第二任妻子是一位拉脱维亚农民出身的女佣His second wife was a Latvian peasant maid.

这个演员把自己化装成一个老农民。The actor made himself uD as an old peasant.

一个仙女爱上了一个农家子弟。A fairy lady fell in love with a peasant boy.

我们像那些老农民教的那样做农活。We do farm work as the old peasant teaches us.

他家几辈子都是农民。His has been a peasant familly for generations.

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俄国把农民变成了国家的佃户。Russia made the peasant the tenant of the state.

抗日战争,实质上就是农民战争。The anti-Japanese war is essentially a peasant war.

附近的农人曾见过这笔宝藏。A peasant of the neighbourhood once saw the treasure.