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道岔是磁悬浮线路的重要部件。Turnout is an important part of maglev.

你可以从浦东国际机场乘坐磁悬浮列车。You can take the maglev train at Pudong Airport.

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实验型MLX01磁悬浮列车是世界上速度最快的火车。The experimental MLX01 maglev is the world’s fastest train.

我们可以乘磁悬浮列车去浦东国际机场。We can take the Maglev train to Pudong International Airport.

我个人感觉,坐磁悬浮列车和坐大转轮感觉一样爽!Riding the maglev gives me the same feeling as riding a big wheel!

牵引逆变器是CMS-3型磁浮列车运行系统的重要部件。Traction convertor is a key part to the whole system of type CMS-3 maglev.

轨道梁检测是磁悬浮列车安全运行的重要保证。Guideway inspection is very important to keep safe in maglev train running.

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轨道梁是高速磁浮交通系统的主要组成部分。Maglev guideway is the main part of high speed maglev transportation system.

中国在上海以90亿人民币建造了一条高速磁悬浮。China built a high-speed maglev in Shanghai at cost of 9 billion RMB back then.

MagLev虚拟机使用的大量字节码和算法都是Ruby独有的。A number of the bytecodes and algorithms used by the MagLev VM are specific to Ruby.

列车运行的速度将不到日本磁悬浮列车速度的五分之一。The train will run at less than one-fifth of the speed of the Japanese maglev trains.

超导磁悬浮列车是高温超导块材最有前景的应用之一。Superconducting maglev vehicle is one of the most promising applications of HTS bulks.

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磁浮列车至少有两节车厢。每节车厢平均设座位约90个。Maglev vehicles comprises a minimum of two sections, each with approx. 90 seats on average.

中国中车日前表示,将建设一条长度不小于5公里的高速磁浮试验线。The company said it will build a maglev rail line no less than 5 km long to test the train.

不单如此,入住浦东机场华美达大酒店还可通过磁悬浮列车快捷来往于市区。In addition, the hotel enjoys a direct access to the downtown area through the maglev train.

目前,磁浮列车运行控制技术还处在初始研究的阶段。Recently, the research on maglev operation control technology is still in an original state.

电流环是磁浮列车悬浮控制器的重要子系统。The current-loop is a key subsystem of the magnetic levitation controller on maglev vehicle.

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同样遭悄悄搁置的,还有将时速430公里的磁悬浮铁路线扩展至世博会会址的计划。Also quietly dropped were plans to extend Shanghai's 430kph maglev rail-line to the Expo site.

我们希望在Ruby标准最终定稿时能保证MagLev是符合该标准的。We expect we'll be able to assure MagLev is standards compliant once the standard is finalized.

所得结论可为高速磁浮三跨刚构桥设计提供理论依据。The proposed results can serve in the design of high-speed maglev three-span rigid frame bridges.