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西班牙狰以其强大的舰队辐坐称。Spain used to be famous for strong armada.

西班牙无敌舰队在一五八八年派遣到英格兰。The Spanish Armada sailed to England in1588.

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这支浩浩荡荡舰队的先锋是扫雷舰。Leading that grand armada were the minesweepers.

西班牙的无敌舰队被毁灭后,它的势力就衰退了。Spain's power decayed after her Armada was destroyed.

你们可能都听说过即将发起总攻的传言。Now, y'all might've heard rumors about the armada happening soon.

在她看来,这似乎是一个可笑的澡盆舰队,在狂风恶浪中颠簸起伏。It'seemed to her a ridiculous armada of tubs jostling in futility.

但格鲁吉尔的庞大舰队使得塔科发动的战役劳而无功。However, Grunger's immense armada caused the campaign to end in failure.

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地球建造了历来最庞大的太空舰队准备一决雌雄。Earth had prepared for a showdown, building the greatest armada of all time.

期间,有超过150架直升机和固定翼飞机编队飞跃天安门上空。Meantime, an armada of more than 150 helo and fixed-wing aircraft soared overhead.

多亏了一打的太空望远镜,太阳活动能够被细致地观测记录下来。The sun is under scrutiny as never before thanks to an armada of space telescopes.

伊利莎白一世创建了一支强大的海军,在1588年赶跑了西班牙无敌舰队。Queen Elizabeth I built a navy strong enough to fight off the Spanish Armada in 1588.

普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada.

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很少有人知道苏联曾计划建立一支核舰队来对抗美国海军。Very few knows the USSR was going to build an atomic armada for struggling against the USN.

迅速扩大英国海军的正准备和西班牙无敌舰队大干一场。The quickly expanding British navy was preparing for a massive strike upon the Spanish armada.

普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。Plymouth Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada.

云彩起航了,像一只游弋着的舰队,重重舰影倒映在天空里,正在向东航行。The clouds sailed, an armada of floating shadows unmoored against the sky, charting an easterly course.

于是群炮齐放,驱逐舰搜索海面,整个庞大舰队慌忙而又愤怒地驶出海外。Guns were fired, destroyers thrashed the waters, and the whole gigantic armada put to SEA in haste and dudgeon.

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入侵力量通过第二批舰队所提供的补给品、弹药以及人员进一步进行了补充。The invasion effort was already being replenished with stores, ammunition, and men by a second armada of ships.

汪洋大海上,800艘波斯战舰穷追猛打希腊战船,数量远远落后的希腊战船步步后退。At sea the Persian armada of 800 vessels bore down on the retreating Greek fleet who were hopelessly outnumbered.

类似于,如果16世纪西班牙无敌舰队征服了英格兰,迫使它改宗天主教?Kind of like What if the 16th century Spanish Armada had conquered England and forced it to convert to Catholicism?