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她扑通一声坐下来。She sat down with a plonk.

盒子扑通一声掉在地上。The box fell plonk on the floor.

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台灯砰的一声倒在桌上了。The lamp fell plonk on the table.

这表明你可以问心无愧地买一瓶贴着不错标签的劣质酒。That suggests you should buy plonk with a nice label and a clear conscience.

本文将告诉你如何解决这个难题和如何节约开支喝到一瓶好酒,编辑梅丽莎这样写道。Here's how to decipher the code and get a stellar bottle of plonk on a budget writes editor, Melissa.

有现象表明葡萄牙人和西班牙人在赛后很少把酒言欢。Something tells me the Portuguese and Spaniard haven't shared too many bottles of plonk after a game.

忙完麻烦的一天后,很多人端着用微波炉煮的饭往电视跟前一落。Why do so many of us plonk ourselves down in front of the telly with a microwave meal after a tiring day?

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诚然,这会把你肩头的内疚卸掉,但是却会给伴侣造成击打的痛苦。True, it will lift the guilt off your shoulders, but it will plonk a whole heap of pain on your partner’s.

如果他们决定把钱砸向大宗商品市场的赌场,那是他们自己的决定。If they choose to plonk it down on to the blackjack table of the commodity markets, that is their decision.

在过去的一年里,投资者有没有把他们的钱大量投入某一个势头强劲的投资领域?Did investors plonk their money into an asset class that had been performing strongly over the previous 12 months?

当奥运电视观众坐著观赏各种运动时,这有助于了解一些中文。As Olympic television watchers plonk themselves down for a megafeast of sport, it could be useful to know a little Chinese.

劳累一天之后,用过微波餐,为什么我们全都扑通一声就把自己投掷在电视前面?Why do so many of us plonk ourselves down in front of the telly with a microwave meal after a tiring day? Because it's convenient?

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一项对上百饮者的调查表明,一般情况,人们只是靠猜测来区分好酒和劣质酒。A survey of hundreds of drinkers found that on average people could tell good wine from plonk no more often than if they had simply guessed.

他的职责就是选出仅仅十份或是信件,或是电邮,或是录音,随后走到奥巴马总统在白宫办公室的办公桌前,砰的放下,每天早晨都是如此。His specific function is to choose just 10 letters, or emails, or Tweets to plonk on the Resolute desk, Barack Obama's workstation in the Oval Office, every morning.