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一朵浅红色的康乃馨耀眼地插在他的西装翻领上。A pink carnation blooms in his lapel.

他在我衣领处抖掉那想象中的灰尘。He flicked imaginary dust off my lapel.

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他会抹领带,或是抚平上衣衣领。He'll stroke his tie or smooth a lapel.

折叠式翻领。无袖。经典的健康。Fold-over lapel. Sleeveless. Classic fit.

对国内外对翻领成形器的研究作了简要综述。A survey on recent studies of lapel shaper was made.

每位男侍者的衣领上都别着2012年伦敦申奥的徽章。Footmen each wore lapel pins bearing the London 2012 logo.

我说,“你来,给你一朵白蔷薇,好簪在襟上。”Come hither, give you a white rose, you may pin on the lapel.

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前幅的衬要分开沿伸至胸及前翻驳位?Split Front Fusible with Extended Chest Piece and Padded Lapel.

他及于肯恩,他的手在他的夹克翻领上的落下。He reached for Ken, his hand falling on the lapel of his jacket.

显示名字的胸卡应放在胸前靠左边的位置。Your name badge is placed on your left side, close to your lapel.

介绍了根据翻领成型器的数学模型,在计算机上进行三维模型设计的方法。A method to make the 3-D model of the lapel shaper was introduced.

外头套件羊毛夹克,翻领上别着小小的美国国旗徽章。Under a wool jacket with a miniature American flag pin on the lapel.

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杨国强总领事佩戴明尼苏达大学徽章。Consul General Yang Guoqiang wearing a University of Minnesota lapel pin.

依据级别,翻领上缀上一颗星到五颗星。And depending on their rank, I think a star or five stars along their lapel.

所有首次申请人将免费收到一张DXCC奖状和一个胸牌。All first time applicants will receive one free DXCC certificate and lapel pin.

“你会认出我的,”她写道,“我会把一朵红玫瑰别在衣领上。”"You’ll recognize me, " she wrote, "by the red rose I’ll be wearing on my lapel."

服装师就根据孙中山的建议,设计了一种四个口袋的翻领上装。At the suggestion of Sun Zhongshan, the dressmaker designed a four-pocket lapel coat.

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因此,并非中国古代所有少数民族的服饰都是左衽的。Therefore, not all the clothes of minority people of ancient China have the "left lapel".

在传统衬衫的设计上去掉翻领,留下立领部分,就变成了立领衬衫。In the traditional design of the shirt Lapel removed, leaving the collar part, becomes a collar.

反对在合气道翻领衬衫或抢防守很容易,因为它是最弱的一个持有。Defending against the shirt or lapel grab in Aikido is easy since it is one of the weakest holds.