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请用正楷填写此表。Please type or write legibly.

请仔细书写确保字迹清晰。Please write clearly and legibly.

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另外,她儿子对于简单明了的写字显得很吃力。In addition, the son has struggled to write legibly.

所有提名表格必须工整书写或用打字机填写。All entries should be legibly written or typewritten.

如果你是手写答案,请字迹工整。If you hand-write your responses, please write legibly.

请用英文正楷填写此表格以便输入资料。Please fill in this form legibly to facilitate the data input process.

这一个论题应该易读地打字或印刷的在善行之上质量束缚纸。This thesis should be legibly typed or printed on good quality bond paper.

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请用正楷及黑色或蓝色原子笔清楚填写表格。Please complete legibly all parts in BLOCK LETTERS and in BLACK or BLUE INK.

在检验以前,每批钢筋应具有易识别的标签。The bars in each lot shall be legibly tagged before being offered for inspection.

若他不匆匆忙忙写的话,他能写得和另一个人一样整洁,清楚。He can write as neatly and legibly as the other person ifhe takes his time over it.

送入受核工厂的容器均应贴附了图文清晰的标贴。The containers which coming into the facility should have been legibly affixed labels.

不过,当桌子、笔夹和纸全都在动时又怎么能写得清楚呢?But when table, penholder and paper are all moving how is it possible to write legibly?

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这两种封面必须清楚易读地辨认出,你是这些拷贝的出版者。Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies.

可是,当桌子、夹笔装置、纸都在移动时,怎么能书写得清楚呢?But when table, penholder and paper are all moving, how is it possible to write legibly?

我连眼也没眨一下就飞快地在空白支票上签下了我的名字。I didn'tbat an eye. The pen ran over that blank check faster than I could legibly write.

有很多资源在你的图书馆或因特网上教你写上醒目。There are numerous resources at your library or on the Internet to teach you to write legibly.

你们有许多资源库或互联网教导你写清楚。There are numerous resources at your library or on the Internet to teach you to write legibly.

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然而现在的小孩在考SAT时,必须用心写好几分钟的申论题,而且字迹要让别人看得懂。Yet today's kids are asked to write, thoughtfully and legibly , for several minutes on this SAT Test.

请用大写字母打字或用笔填写清楚。请用英文填写。不要在此表背面填写任何东西。Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.

我们会将此覆函邮寄至上述地址,请清楚填写申请人的姓名和地址。This acknowledgment will be mailed back to the applicant. Please write the applicant's name and address legibly.