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被子植物在植物区系的组成成分中占据绝对优势。Angiosperm predominates in the halophytes flora in Bohai-Bay.

记忆它们的是被子植物和裸子植物等胚种。What recorded them were embryos of angiosperm and gymnosperm.

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这两种木材腐朽菌均生长在阔叶树腐朽木上,造成木材白色腐朽。Both species occurred on rotten angiosperm wood, and caused a white rot.

在被子植物中种子被一个外加的层所包裹。In the angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an additional layer of covering.

莲植物是被子植物中起源最早的种属之一。Lotus plant is the origin in angiosperm is the earliest kind belong to one of.

后者这一说法,在当代被子植物胚胎学研究中获得了支持。This latter statement finds support in contemporary works on angiosperm embryology.

核分裂过程与被子植物花粉母细胞的减数分裂是相似的。Nuclear division was the same as the meiotic of the pollen mother cell in angiosperm.

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此为双子叶植物茎的纵切片,标示「X」处为何构造?In this longitudinal section of a dicot angiosperm stem, name the structure indicated by 'X'.

被子植物雌、雄配子体的形成是世代交替的关键过程之一。Angiosperm female and male gametophyte formation is the key to the process of generational one.

钙在被子植物双受精过程的作用一直是植物学家的兴趣热点。Functions of Calcium during fertilization of angiosperm is one of research focuses for botanists.

微形态学也给被子植物分类提供有价值的资料。Micromorphology also provided valuable information for the taxonomy of angiosperm classification.

有些被子植物的种子有蛛丝般的翅膀,例如蒲公英和乳草属植物的种子。In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds.

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一些被子植物的种子是被轻飘飘的翅膀所装备的,像是蒲公英和乳草类植物的种子。In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds.

白垩纪至第三纪又新增加了最为主要的母源体-沟鞭藻,还有盘星藻、被子植物及其花粉等。More important types such as Bohaidinaceae, Pediastrum, angiosperm and its pollen appeared from Cretaceous to Tertiary.

文章简要地介绍了施迈斯内果的由来、特征以及王鑫等人如何判定其为被子植物的逻辑思维过程,以便大家论评。Here we briefly introduce the history of Schmeissneria, its characters and how Wang et al. determined it as an angiosperm.

也许被子植物适应优势的秘诀就在于它们有能力形成每单位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their ability to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight.

指在被子植物中着生胚珠的胎座位置。根据心皮数目的不同胎座式也有变化。Placentation The position of the ovulebearing placentae in angiosperm seeds. Placentation varies according to whether there are one or many carpels.

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从第二纪开始,广东植物区系成分变得更加复杂多样,被子植物大量发展,取代了裸子植物占据统治地位。Guangdong flora became more complex and multiplex from the beginning of Tertiary. The angiosperm developed in mass and dominated instead of gymnosperm.

稍微被子植物的家庭只允许完全关闭比公绵羊,但许多家庭有代理人者和开启和关闭的公绵羊。Slightly more angiosperm families have exclusively closed RAMs than exclusively open RAMs, but many families have representatives with both open and closed RAMs.

植物花粉中营养物质的储存形式以及单花的花粉数与胚珠数被认为与其传粉系统有一定的联系。The nutritive reserves in angiosperm pollen grains and the pollen and ovule numbers of single flowers are considered to be correlated with the pollinating vectors.