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所用光谱仪如247型掠入射真空紫外摄谱仪。The spectrograph used is model 247 grating incidence spectrograph.

本文报导了一个新型的带电粒子谱仪。A new-type charged particle spectrograph has been proposed and built up.

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在质谱仪中,离子聚焦在感光板上。In the mass spectrograph the ions are focused onto a photographic plate.

本文扼要介绍了日中峰天文台新的太阳光谱仪。This paper introduces briefly the new solar spectrograph at Pic du Midi.

制作了一台电子控制的微秒级光谱时间分解器。A time-resolved spectrograph with the electronic control circuit is described.

恒星中的分子会在光谱中留下特殊标识,通过摄谱仪就能识别。Molecules around stars leave imprints in their light, which the spectrograph can detect.

在这里,他用了棱镜分光图来分析他的结果,得到些什么呢?There it is. He used the prism spectrograph to analyze his results. So what do we have here?

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详细阐述了照明系统和光电摄谱仪的设计。The design of the illumination system and optoelectronic spectrograph are introduced in detail.

介绍了如何用红外光谱仪鉴别PVC异型材中的碳酸钙。The identification of calcium carbonate in PVC profiles by infrared spectrograph was introduced.

标准规定了ICPS-1000IV型单道扫描光谱仪的分析方法。This specification stipulates the analysis method with ICPS-1000IV single-pass scan spectrograph.

介绍一种新颖的用于研究激光等离子体的掠入射光栅摄谱仪。A novel grazing incidence grating spectrograph for studying laser produced plasma has been developed.

光谱仪装置是通过红外光来检测苹果以展示他损坏的证据。A spectrograph device can use the near-infrared light bouncing off an apple to show evidence of damage.

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通过将光谱仪对准这些光线,科学家们将可以梳理出这颗行星的大气层成分。By training a spectrograph on this light, scientists can tease out the composition of the planet's atmosphere.

主要用于南天暗星云中一氧化碳分子谱线的观测研究。The major use of this spectrograph is to observe the CO molecular spectral lines from dark clouds in the Galaxy.

利用火花源发射光谱仪测定钢中的氧方法快速、准确,能够应用于生产工艺过程的在线控制。The method to use spark emission spectrograph is fast, accurate, and can be used for on-line control of production.

本文叙述用掠入射谱仪在HL-1装置上所做的真空紫外光谱测量。The vacuum ultraviolet spectra from the plasma in the HL-1 tokamak were measured using a grazing incidence spectrograph.

我们用紫台多波段太阳光谱仪进行耀斑光谱观测。We use the multi-wavelength solar spectrograph of the Purple Mountain Observatory to observe the spectra of solar flares.

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最后,通过红外光谱仪、差示扫描量热仪,对接枝物结构进行表征。Structural Characterization of graft polymer was performed by Infrared spectrograph and differential scanning calorimeter.

本文叙述了库特摄谱仪的主要光学部件的安装、整方法。The method of fixation and adjustment of the main optical components of the Coude spectrograph is described in this paper.

计算发现,当平焦场光栅光谱仪的光源位置任意变化时,总能通过改变光栅的入射角,保持光谱焦平面到光栅的距离基本不变。A novel usage of the flat field spectrograph with a variable line spacing grating in 5 to 40 nm spectral range is presented.