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两者不可偏废。Neither can be neglected.

步行是种易被忽略的愉悦。Walking is a neglected pleasure.

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他一时疏忽,忘记去开会。He neglected to go to the meeting.

我将成为你忽略的一切。I will be everything you neglected.

玩忽事业等于丢失事业。Business neglected is business lost.

故旧不弃。Old friends are not to be neglected.

他忘记封那邀请作答覆。He neglected to reply to the invitation.

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阴离子对电流效率的作用可以忽略。The effect of anions could be neglected.

什么是被忽视的热带病?What are the neglected tropical diseases?

他的创造能力被忽视了好几年。His genius was neglected for several years.

他忘记按时发他的税收申请单了。He neglected to file his tax return on time.

诸梁间之摩擦力略去不计。The friction between the beams is neglected.

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这几天来,已经没有人教它们了。They have been neglected these several days.

我们指责他玩忽职守。We accused him of having neglected his duty.

他忘记马上回那封信了。He neglected to answer the letter right away.

过去农业遭到严重忽视。Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past.

敢把我们的话当耳边风?Dares ours speech to work as neglected advice?

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它杂草丛生,完全被忽略了。It was quite overgrown and had been neglected.

间日疟原虫被人们忽略,这是由于它很少导致死亡。has been neglected because it is rarely fatal.

我讨厌国服里被遗忘的感觉…I hate the neglected feeling at native's server.