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拉拉是真正的大自然的女儿。Lala is a true daughter of nature.

拉拉在前面走,迪西在后面走。Lala walks ahead and dipsy walks at back.

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基于云技术的iTunes来代替。A cloud-based version of iTunes to replace

这是鳄鱼啦啦,他有大大的,露出牙齿的微笑。This is Lala Crocodile. He has a big , toothy smile.

第二天,拉拉开始在业务部上班。The next day, Lala started to work at sales department.

拉拉怀疑,阿发是否会第三次来接电话。Lala suspected that whether Afa would answer the third call.

拉拉回到业务部,阿发已经走了。Afa was left already when Lala went back to sales department.

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你是否也找到共鸣?你和“杜拉拉”有相似之处吗?Have you got the empathy? Do you have resemblance to "Du Lala"?

拉拉心里对CEO的派头很满意,觉得自己也跟着体面起来。Lala was satisfied with the expression of CEO which made herself feels decent too.

任何在20世纪90年代当过学生的人都知道丁丁、迪西、拉拉和小波是谁。Anyone who was a student during the 1990's knows who tinkywinky, Dipsy, Lala and Po are.

你怎麽知道的!我当时确实有点儿心不在焉,那个学生碰了一下我的肩膀才让我醒过神来。Let me guess, you were so far off in lala land, you didn't even know the student was there!

拉拉一上路,它最爱的目的地就完全在意料之中。还会是哪里呢?当然是鱼店啦。When Lala hits the road, his favorite destination is no surprise. Where else? The fish store.

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过了两天,阿发打电话到业务部,催促拉拉立马去花都厂子上班。Two days later Afa called to sales department for urging Lala go to Huaduo factory immediately.

这天拉拉出了个长差,兴冲冲地回到业务部,一进门就发现阿发正在和自己的经理谈话。That day when Lala came back from a long business trip, she rushed into sales department’s office.

苹果的传输音乐提供商Lala.com也会为PC平板电脑提供内容。Apple's purchase of streaming music provider in December has also been linked to the tablet PC.

和他们在一起,拉拉感觉自己仿佛回到了大学时代,精神一放松,气色就红润起来。Lala feel she were come back to campus life when together with them. Spirit relax make her full of energy.

拉拉笑了,朝大胡扔了几把石刮刀,他笑着走出山洞开始他的工作。Lala smiled and pushed some stone scrapers at Dahu, who smiled and went outside the cave to begin his task.

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突然间她坐了下去,但又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹卢娜一把搂了起来。拉拉宽慰地笑了。Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna. Lala smile with relief.

这是什麽?到拉拉山站在第十八号巨木下往上看,就是这般。What's this? This is what it looks like when you stand at the foot of one of the giant junipers at Mount Lala.

一阵风吹来,伴着声声鸟语,来到小溪边,溪水发出“哗啦啦”的响声。A gust of wind blowing, and accompanied by sound of birds came to a small stream, streams issue "Hua Lala" beep.