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现在被装进黑色塑胶袋的我静静躺在掩埋场里。I am in a plastic bag in a landfill now.

填了的地方是否属于第11号渔塘的呢?Is the landfill area part of pond no. 11?

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把它倾倒在任何欧盟垃圾填埋场也是违法的。It was illegal to dump it on any EU landfill.

巧克力废料过去都被丢进了垃圾堆。The chocolate waste used to be used in landfill.

在将军澳扩充堆填区是否公平?Is it fair to extend the landfill area in Tseung Kwan O?

但是这同样意味着你将享受将这些东西免于丢掉的乐趣。But it also means you’ll be diverting Stuff from the landfill.

使用后之包装若需再用或在弃掉前,请先清洁。Well clean the packaging before re-use or putting in landfill.

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玻璃化的土壤类似坚硬的花岗岩,可以用于填埋。The vitrified soil, as hard as granite, can be used for landfill.

卫生填埋是目前国内应用最为广泛的垃圾处置方式。Landfill is a popular method used in the garbage disposal in China.

膨润土及其产品GCL正广泛应用于城市垃圾填埋场的防渗系统中。Bentonite and GCL are widely used in barrier systems of MSW landfill.

对国内某大型垃圾填埋场渗滤液处理进行了试验研究。A pilot plant study was conducted to treat the leachate of a Landfill.

所以对杂填土垃圾填埋场的沉降研究是十分必要的。So for miscellaneous landfill settlement of the research is essential.

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一直以来,我都在尝试做我的部分使得这些多余的东西免于投入垃圾填埋场。Still, I try to do my part and keep the extras from heading to the landfill.

宁波市的生活垃圾要实行卫生填埋,则需另选场址。The other new site should be selected in order to reaching sanitation landfill.

开发了一种适于处理高浓度垃圾渗滤液的工艺。An applicable system was developed to treat the high strength landfill leachate.

选址是卫生填埋场建设和运行的关键。Site-selection is the key in the construction and operation of sanitary landfill.

在那一刻我觉得,所有这些东西本来可以直接送到垃圾填埋场去。The way I felt at that moment, it could have all been taken direct to a landfill.

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然而,格林萧表示这个设计可以合用于英国各地的垃圾掩埋场。However, Grimshaw said the design was applicable to landfill sites around Britain.

本文首先分析杂填土垃圾填埋场的沉降机理。As a result, research on settlement of miscellaneous filling landfill is necessary.

可以是非常不同的过滤生产在同一填埋场关闭后。Can be very different from percolate production at the same landfill after closure.