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破晓时雨停了。The rain left off at daybreak.

她在拂晓时上吊了。She had hanged herself at daybreak.

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小鸟黎明时就开始叫了。The birds began piping at daybreak.

我要在黎明黄牛。I'm going to be scalped at daybreak.

冷却池旁的黎明景色。The daybreak near the cooling pound.

黎明时,我们的机关枪开火了。At daybreak our machine guns opened fire.

黎明时他被门铃声吵醒。He was roused by the doorbell at daybreak.

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黎明时大火已被完全扑灭。The fire was completely overcome by daybreak.

等待到天明时我又要渡过白水。And I'll wade the Baishui River again at daybreak.

一到天亮,珂赛特便又说又笑,唱个不停。Cosette laughed, chattered, and sang from daybreak.

那人说,天黎明了,容我去吧。Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak."

整个晚上风刮很厉害,但到破晓时风势减弱了。The wind blew hard all night but let up at daybreak.

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黎明时他被门铃声从床上唤起来。He was routed out of bed by the doorbell at daybreak.

我们走到重丁村时,天终于蒙蒙亮了。It was near daybreak when we arrived at Chongding Village.

非常荣幸。起个大早,你就会买到新鲜的花。My pleasure. Get up at daybreak and you buy fresh flowers.

拂晓是一个欣赏亚马逊雨林的天赐良机。DAYBREAK is a heavenly time to look on the Amazonian canopy.

恰似结束漫漫长夜禁锢的欢畅黎明。It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long light of captivity.

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它来如一个快乐的黎明结束囚禁的长夜晚。It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity.

他们在黎明前拔营,进入行军队列。They broke camp, and took up their line of march before daybreak.

只剩下雅各一人。有一个人来和他摔跤,直到黎明。So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak.