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以清除气管内残留的胎粪。Eliminates in the trachea the residual meconium.

气门是气管的部分。These openings are part of tubes called trachea.

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选用与气管大小相仿的管子。An appropriate-size tube is chosen to fit the trachea.

感冒了,紧接是喉咙和气管的疼痛。After taking a cold rawness of the larynx and trachea come on.

气管表面的假复层纤毛柱状上皮。Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium from the trachea.

出气室经气管通向湿储气筒。The discharge chamber passes after the trachea to the wet air drum.

围绕在软管周围的硬环则模拟了人类气管的结构。Stiff rings around the tube mimicked the structure of a human trachea.

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对于气管ACC,早期发现和正确治疗非常关键。Early detection and proper treatment are very important for trachea ACC.

呼吸道由口、鼻、咽、气管和肺构成。The respiratory tract consists of the mouth, nose, pharynx, trachea and lung.

介绍一种新型三通式钢丝加强型气管导管。This paper introduces a brand-new three-way trachea tube reinforced by steel.

我们能够看到这种情况发生在细胞内层气管和主支气管。We were able to see this happen in cells lining the trachea and main bronchi.

胸部计算机断层扫描及软式支气管镜检发现在气管下段有多姿性肿瘤。Chest ct and fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed multiple tumors in the lower trachea.

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比方隐抱子虫病,住白细胞原虫病,气管吸虫病。For implicit brussel worm disease, leucocyte protozoon diseases, trachea fluke disease.

目的探讨大气污染物对大鼠气管的病理学改变。Objective To explore the pathologic changes in trachea of rats exposed to air pollutants.

像红色珊瑚一般漂亮的树脂肺模型显示了人体的肺动脉及支气管。Bronchifan out like coral in this resin cast that also shows pulmonaryarteries and trachea.

目的探讨气管切开术后并发气管无名动脉瘘的发生机理。Objective To discuss genesic mechanism of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy.

目的探讨气管切开术后并发气管无名动脉瘘的发生机理。Objective to discuss genesic mechanism of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy.

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目的探讨提高紧急气管插管术成功的方式方法。Objectivee To explore the methods of increasing successful rate of urgent trachea intubation.

目的探讨进一步提高闭合性喉气管损伤诊断与治疗水平的措施。OBJECTIVE To promote the diagnosis and treatment level of closed injury of larynx and trachea.

玛奇阿林计划进行更多的人造气管移植手术,其中两门手术的接受者是美国人。Macchiarini plans several more synthetic trachea implants, two of them involving U.S. patients.