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这是伍德豪斯先生告诉我的。Mr. Woodhouse told me of it. Mr.

他可以特别提出贮煤室和劈柴房来。He might specify the coal-cellar and the woodhouse.

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他最初曾希望能劝说伍德豪斯先生同她一起搬到唐维尔去。He had at first hoped to induce Mr. Woodhouse to remove with her to Donwell.

美丽、聪明而富有的爱玛最大的乐趣是安排朋友的生活。Emma Woodhouse , her chief pleasure in life is arranging the live of her friends.

伍德豪斯先生看见了信,说他从未见过写得这么得体的信。Woodhouse saw the letter, and he says he never saw such a handsome letter in his life.

“散了也无妨呀,”伍德豪斯先生说道。“不管什么样的聚会,都是散得越早越好。”And no great harm if it does, ' said Mr. Woodhouse. 'The sooner every party breaks up, the better. '

修建“木屋”村小屋的材料大都是就地取材的石头,连屋顶的“瓦片”也是附近山上采来的石片。Most houses in Woodhouse are made of stones, including the roof tiles, acquired from local quarries.

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伍德豪斯先生年事已高,又爱为琐事发愁,自然无法给女儿作伴儿。Woodhouse was too old and too fond of worrying about trivialities to be a companion for his daughter.

训练一条狗,我只要五分钟。倒是训练狗主人时间要长得多。I can train any dog in five minutes. It's training the owner that takes longer. ----Barbara Woodhouse.

最糟糕的结果是,我们会面临一个跟中世纪一样并且温度更高的干旱期。"The bottom line is, we could have a Medieval-style drought with even warmer temperatures," Woodhouse said.

伍德豪斯多次被誉为莎士比亚之后最出色的幽默作家,但这也使他的作品难以搬上荧幕。Woodhouse is known as many times after Shakespeares best humorist, but it also makes his works hard to move on the screen.

詹妮弗·内曼和她的姐妹苏珊·伍德豪斯在一年前开了一个面包坊,当时正值经济大萧条中期。Jennifer Neiman and her sister Susan Woodhouse opened the bakery about a year ago, right in the middle of the Great Recession.

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爱玛和奈特利先生决定住哈特菲尔德,一直陪伴父亲度过晚年。这就解决了第一个难题。The first problem was solved when Emma and Mr. Knightley decided to reside at Hartfield with Mr. Woodhouse as long as he lived.

千万不能假借上午驾车出游,到当维尔玩一两个小时的机会,引得伍德豪斯先生受罪。Woodhouse must not, under the specious pretence of a morning drive, and an hour or two spent at Donwell, be tempted away to his misery.

四十五分钟之后,巴莱.乌德豪斯就带着两辆拖车赶来了,他像我们遇到的所有澳大利亚人一样乐于助人,尽管我们把他从足球场上拉出来。Forty-five minutes later, Barry Woodhouse was there with his tow truck, as helpful and cheery as everyone in Australia in spite of the fact that we had dragged him away from the footie.