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就像一只苍蝇毁了你一瓶昂贵的夏敦奈。It's a black fly in your Chardonnay.

典雅的霞多丽风格伴随着新鲜果味。An elegant style of Chardonnay with fresh flavours.

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夏顿埃始终是大受欢迎的葡萄品种。Chardonnay has always been a popular grape variety.

沙当妮干白葡萄酒是我喜爱的佐酒。Chardonnay is my favorite white grape for making wine.

优雅的霞多丽使此款酒富含辛香,蜂蜜的香气。This elegant chardonnay displays spicy and honey aromas.

很像加州的夏敦埃酒,除了没那么干。Very similar to California Chardonnay except not as dry.

而在葡萄品种上则纯粹只有黑皮诺和夏多纳。Our grape varieties are solely Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.

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印碧霞和林涛两个相爱的人见面了。Green chardonnay and Lin tao met two people who love each other.

印碧霞毫无惧色,她问江川林涛现在哪里?Print brigitte chardonnay waded, she asked jiangchuan Lin tao now?

该品牌的葡萄酒有白莎当妮以及一款混合型红葡萄酒。The wine is available in a white Chardonnay and a red mixed blend.

来小霞模具,相信我们,没错的!!!To little chardonnay mould, believe us, yes! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

这只不过是个精致的邻家小酒馆,只不过是一杯莎当妮。It was just a nice neighborhood bistro and it was just a glass of Chardonnay.

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我们在法国南部玩掷球游戏的时候,手边都会放一杯夏敦埃酒This is what we do in the South of France with a little chardonnay on the side.

在莎当尼葡萄生长的最佳时期采摘而酿造出这款优雅的葡萄酒。Chardonnay grapes are picked at their peak and vinified to produce elegant wines.

平衡的香味来自于酒体中灰皮诺的黑莓香以及霞多丽中的清新苹果香。Balanced by strawberries from the pinot noir and fresh apples from the Chardonnay.

赤霞郁郁不得志的在酒家喝酒,却被掌柜追讨欠款。Red chardonnay was frustrated in the restaurant drink, was the shopkeeper for arrears.

这款霞多丽具有扑面的葡萄、酥梨、烤坚果以及烤面包的香气。This Chardonnay has lifted aromas of grapefruits, crisp pears, grilled nuts and toast.

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白苏维翁典型的矿物质气息被莎当妮的圆润所包容。The mineral character of the Sauvignon is supported by the round finesse of Chardonnay.

青苹果香气的霞多丽,带桃子与蜜瓜的青甜。Illumina Unwooded Chardonnay has green apple aromas, with melon and peach on the palate.

醇香的口感和浓厚的特性使其成为霞多丽优质的替代品。Its flavoursome palate and full-bodied nature makes it a good alternative to Chardonnay.