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要是你想当然地认为这里热得要命的话,那你就错了。You're mistaken if you imagine it to be oppressively hot.

也许他们都生长于教会oppressively守法。Maybe they were raised in a church that was oppressively legalistic.

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了天主教,而且比教皇还要虔诚,叫人难以忍受。He's a Catholic convert, and rather oppressively more papist than the Pope.

建筑上也是千篇一律得令人乏味,每五十四个镇都是依照同一张图纸规划。Architecturally it is oppressively dull. Each of the fifty-four towns are built according to an identical plan.

深圳夏季的夜晚是酷热难耐的,热带海洋性气候让这个南方沿海城市平添了几分躁动。Summer nights in Shenzhen are oppressively hot. The tropical marine climate brings restlessness to this coastal city of South China.

我深深向往一种俭朴的生活,由于经常意识到自己占用了同胞太多的劳动而心有不安。I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and am often oppressively aware that I am engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellowmen.

我强烈地向往着俭朴的生活,并且时常为发觉本人占用了同胞的过多劳动而难以忍耐。I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and am often oppressively aware that I am engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellow-men.

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让我们坐在闷热的户外流一身臭汗,吃着罐头里的东东,与此同时还要避免自己成为熊的美餐。Hey, yeah, let's go sit outside where it's really, oppressively hot, sweat a lot and eat things from cans while we try not to get eaten by bears.

现在是一年中最湿热的日子。琼费斯乐却特意呆在一间温度达36.6摄氏度的屋子里。It's one of the most oppressively hot and humid days of the year, and Joan Fessler is in a room where the heat is cranked up to 36.5 degrees. On purpose.

企业的资本结构受到企业规模、融资工具、资金成本、所得税和企业收益能力等因素的影响。Capital structure of corporates is oppressively influenced by some factors, including enterprise size, financing tool, capital cost, income tax and income earning power.

辣椒即可温暖身体,又可让人发汗,而成都的冬天寒冷刺骨,夏天又闷热无比,因此麻婆豆腐是非常适合成都常年潮湿气候的一道美食。Chilies both warm the body and induce a cooling sweat, so mapo dofu is a dish made-to-order for Chengdu's perennially humid climate, with its bone-chilling winters and oppressively muggy summers.