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比安吉丽娜更性感?But hotter than Angie?

那比太阳还热。That's hotter than the sun.

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你变得更性感了“You just became so much hotter."

枯枝也让火焰更加炙热。Deadwood also allows fires to get hotter.

水的温度越高,咖啡的香味就越加醇厚!The hotter the water, the better the taste.

当夏季来临时,天气变得越来越热。When summer comes, it gets hotter and hotter.

烧水壶的响声让我感觉更热了。As the whistle builds it makes me feel hotter.

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今年JYPE的面试集会比以前更加大规模!This year's JYPE auditions are hotter than ever!

你只需加点辣椒就能增加咖喱菜的辣味。You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies.

目前乃趁热打铁之最佳时机。Now is the time to strike. The iron could not be hotter.

不要自己给自己扇风,因为只会越扇越热。Do not try to fan yourself because it can make you hotter.

熵通过温度T进行加权,,T,,and,the,entropy,is,weighted,by,the,temperature,所以随着温度的升高熵越来越重要。T so the entropy matters more and more the hotter it gets.

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她茶杯里冒出来的烟雾让我感觉更热了。The steam rising from her cup of tea makes me feel hotter.

为什么是太阳大气比太阳表面更热?Why is the solar atmosphere hotter than the solar surface?

现在的欧洲夏季比以往更热。Here in Europe summers are hotter on average than they were.

全球平均气温达到5000万年来最高。Global average temperatures are now hotter than for 50m years.

所以,那些轻微的太阳温度降低或许并不会给温暖的地球带来多少凉意。So the slightly cooler sun won't counteract a much hotter earth.

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天气肯定是更不稳定,虽然不一定总是更热。Certainly far more erratic, though not necessarily always hotter.

在过去的几十年中,长江流域变得更热。Over the past decades, the Yangtze River Basin has become hotter.

见通过自上而下也可征询随着赛季的进行变得更热。See-through top may also be sought out as the season becomes hotter.