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他把他们带离沼泽。He led them away from a marsh.

我们要穿过一大片沼泽地带。We have to cross a wide marsh.

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在湿地不好游戏。No retrieval romps in the marsh.

蒲草没有泥,岂能发长。Can papyrus shoot up without marsh?

即使要穿过一大片沼泽地带。Even we have to cross a wide marsh.

第二天,特蕾西·比尔·马什死了。Tracy Bill Marsh died the next day.

菲尔!水分太多,糖分不够!Phil! Too much marsh not enough mallow!

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她们叫她云梦泽。They ladies name her the Yunmeng Marsh.

第二天我离开沼泽居去莫尔顿。The next day I left Marsh End for Morton.

北马依风,凉蝉咽暮。Marsh north wind, cold evening cicadas pharynx.

岸上是一片荒凉萧索的沼地。There was the solitary flat marsh on the shore.

他射中了一只从沼泽地里飞起的野鸭。He picked off a wild duck rising from the marsh.

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马什在继续向我们描述他对尼姆的印象。Marsh goes on to describe his impression of Nim.

适用于沼泽,水陆两用检波器串。Mounting on marsh string, Land and water string.

很大一部分沼地是由填海而成。A good deal of the marsh was taken in from the sea.

猛禽包括沼泽鹞和黑翅鸢。Raptors include Marsh Harrier and Black winged Kite.

从这里一英里,我是深刻领会温泉湿地。A mile from here, I was soaking in a hot spring marsh.

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这位载着蜂群的男人滑下山岗,滑进一片沼泽。The swarm-bearing man glided down a hill into a marsh.

黑白的世界把思想推入沼泽泥塘。Black and white world of thinking into the marsh mud lake.

在路易斯安那州圣塔马尼教区,工人们正在擦掉沼泽地水草上的污油。Workers wipe oil from marsh grass in St. Tammany Parish, La.