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塔林大学历史拥久,是爱沙尼亚国最大的工程与商科大学。Swansea College is one of the best FE colleges in Wales.

这家服装店吸引了远至斯旺西的顾客。The salon attracts clients from as far afield as swansea.

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天鹅海是一个不错的球队,善于控球。Swansea are a good footballing side and they keep the ball well.

创立于1920年,是组成威尔士大学的六个正式成员院校之一。Swansea is a traditional university , founded by Royal Charter in 1920.

是布里斯托尔海峡的小海湾斯旺西湾的一个工业港口。It is an industrial port on Swansea Bay, an inlet of the Bristol Channel.

就像我在一次难得的,去斯旺西动物院实地考察期间看到大象是那样。It was like an elephant I had seen once during a rare field trip to Swansea Zoo.

斯旺西大学俯瞰着斯旺西湾,是一座世界一流、以研究为主导的大学。Swansea University is a world-class, research-led university overlooking Swansea Bay.

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斯旺西大学是一套轧钢柏龄俯瞰雄伟壮观横扫斯旺西海湾。Swansea University is set in rolling parkland overlooking the majestic sweep of Swansea Bay.

约翰。埃文斯此前因为既无钱又无时间而一直未能从他邻近斯旺西的家乡到过伦敦。John Evans had never found the time or the money-to make the trip from his home near Swansea.

这名疑犯因涉嫌九月份在斯旺西行窃被警方通缉。The suspected criminal is being hunted by police following a burglary in Swansea in September.

他将于下周一在南威尔士斯旺西地方法院首次出庭受审。He is due to make a first appearance at Swansea Magistrates' Court, in south Wales, next Monday.

天鹅海打得很好,控制了皮球。但他们却没能真正的威胁到我们。Swansea played some great football against us and kept the ball well, but they didn't really hurt us.

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斯旺西给我们制造了困难,他们的控球不错,在边路速度很快。Swansea make it difficult for you because they keep the ball well and on the wings they are very quick.

斯旺西城俱乐部确认今天正式签下沃特福德前锋丹尼-格雷汉姆。Swansea City can confirm that the club has today agreed personal terms with Watford striker Danny Graham.

上个月,托马斯这位退休的钢铁工人被斯旺西刑事法庭裁定他勒死57岁的妻子无罪。Last month Thomas, a retired steel worker, was acquitted at Swansea Crowncourtof strangling Christine, 57.

之前曾被租借到巴恩斯利队,年轻的斯蒂文决定去斯旺西队碰碰运气。After previously having spent a period on loan at Barnsley, young Steven decided to try his luck at Swansea.

他被带到斯旺西中心警察站,他在此被质询并且羁押整夜。He was taken to Swansea Central police station where he was questioned about the incident and held overnight.

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南威尔斯警方向媒体发出入室行窃犯马修梅纳德的照片,作为打击在斯旺西犯罪的一部分。Matthew Maynard, wanted by officers investigating a house burglary, as part of a crackdown on crime in Swansea.

周一1-2输给阿森纳之后,沃伦。乔西的球队周四将在主场迎战天鹅海。After a 2-1 defeat at Arsenal on Monday, Warren Joyce's team tackle Swansea on Thursday at Moss Lane, Altrincham.

兰帕德在球队4-1大胜斯旺西的比赛的最后几分钟离开了板凳席,更是点燃了火药桶。Lampard leaving the dugout area in the last few minutes of the team's 4-1 win over Swansea added fuel to the fire.