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嗯,这是个陈述性的说法。Right. Here's a declarative statement.

好,陈述性知识是什么?Right. What in the world is declarative knowledge?

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他给出了一个简洁明了的答案And he gave a simple, straight, declarative answer.

MTF为模型转换提供了一种声明的方式。MTF offers a declarative approach to model transformation.

这可以通过声明性或程序性安全来实现。You can do this through declarative or programmatic security.

这是一个问句,不过是以陈述句的形式出现的。This is a question, but it comes in the declarative form, too.

你能把这个陈述句改成反问句吗?Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question?

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首先,声明式编程询问用户他们想要做什么事。First declarative programming asks the user what they want to do.

您可以通过定义属性来创建声明性元程序设计标记。You can define attributes to create declarative metaprogramming tags.

描述如何以声明和命令的方式实现权限对象。Describes how to implement permission objects declarative ly and imperatively.

上海方言中存在着陈述语气和虚拟语气在句法形式上的对立。There is a semantic sentence's opposite of declarative mood vs. subjunctive mood.

中的行为,显示了这两种默认技术,并使用了脚本和声明性动作。Showing both defaulting techniques and using both script and a declarative action.

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叙述或说明事实的具有陈述语调的句子叫陈述句。The narrative or facts with declarative intonation sentence is declarative sentences.

声明方式是在Web部件页面的.aspx文件中定义控件标签。The declarative approach uses control tags within the .aspx file of the Web Part Page.

当转换映射主要是说明性的时,模式也会是最有效的。Patterns are also most efficient when the transformation mapping is mostly declarative.

本课题研究中的FMP界面模型借鉴综合了概念模型和陈述模型的优点。The FMP UI model combines the merits of the conceptual model and the declarative model.

第一个就是我们所看到的更加声明式的编程风格。The first one being this move that we see toward more declarative styles of programming.

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例如,您可能想将将声明性事务与外观中的所有方法相关联。For example, you may want to attach declarative transactions to all the methods in a facade.

练习在讲话时去掉那些显示不太有把握的词汇,试着更明确、干脆。Practice removing any traces of tentativeness from your vocabulary and be declarative when you speak.

指明列类型的内嵌通讯表现了RDL的声明性。The built-in correspondence that specifies the column type illustrates the declarative aspects of RDL.