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但这种幻觉总是萦回不散。But the hallucination persisted.

高烧可使人产生幻觉。High temperatures can cause hallucination.

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如此平稳,如同流动的空气中的幻觉。Steady as a hallucination in the streaming air.

幻觉的复杂的发展过程很奇特。The involute progression of hallucination is strange.

否决者现在的技能是力场和幻象。Nullifier currently has Force Field and Hallucination abilities.

她的脱水或药物副作用可能给她留下一个幻觉。Dehydration or a medication side effect may be behind a hallucination.

我怎能阻止绚丽的彩虹不让它弯曲向你的幻想?Couldn't I bar the beautiful rainbow from embodying your hallucination?

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他设想他的整个生活是由一个叫做“恶毒的魔鬼”所引起的幻觉。He imagined that his whole life could be a hallucination caused by a "malicious demon".

多见的症状是意志减退,情感淡漠,妄想和幻觉。Abulia, affective flattening, delusion and hallucination were their most common symptoms.

业可能以闪现过去的事的形式出现,也可能是对现实的一种幻觉。Kamma may assume the form. of a flashback about the past or an hallucination in the present.

如何提高人脸图像分辨率是改进视觉监视系统性能需要解决的关键问题之一。Face hallucination is to synthesize a high-resolution facial image from a low-resolution input.

而有了“幻觉手雷”,你同样可以确信这是最具爆炸性的武器了!And with the Hallucination Grenade, you can be assured that it is your most explosive one as well!

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那灯光依然昏暗的小路,那群树依然摇曳的小路,好像从来没有变过。The light is still sombrous and the trees still joggle as before. It ofen gives me some hallucination.

将这过程称之为幻想,将这结果称之为错觉,岂不更贴切一切?Is not fantasy a better word for such a process, and hallucination a more appropriate term for the result?

幻像是否能在神族航母,黑暗圣堂或观察者上使用?这后面的剧情又是什么?Also does hallucination still not work on carriers, dark templar and observers ? What is the lore behind this?

结论幻觉的18类属性可以从4个方面来认识,其中前3类可能是最主要的。Conclusion The 18 traits of hallucination can be understanded in 4 aspects, the front 3 aspects was important.

一切交接以来Herschell倒塌惊厥是一种幻觉带来的药品。Everything that transpired since Herschell collapsed in convulsions was a hallucination brought on by the drugs.

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精神分裂症患者的虚假记忆指标与PANSS总分、阴性症状、阳性症状以及妄想症状、幻觉症状无显著相关性。The indexes of false memory had no significant correlation to the factors of delusion and hallucination of PANSS.

幻觉和妄想症状则以幻听、被害妄想最多见。Hallucination-delusion syndrome usually appeared in the form of auditory hallucination and delusion of persecution.

如果它正趴在主人旁边安静地睡觉,他就能断定朝自己说坏话的声音不过是幻觉,真实世界中并不存在。If it is sleeping quietly next to him he can conclude that the voices talking to him are a hallucination not the real thing.