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柳林里的画眉姐姐。Sister Thrush in the willow grove.

谢谢你,小翔,你救了我一命。Thanks, Thrush. You saved my life.

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一只笨拙的画眉鸟穿越浓雾。A fat thrush flies through thick fog.

一只鸫落在松树的树枝上。A thrush alighted on a branch of the pine tree.

猜猜看谁能够从画眉鸟夫人那里获得全部食物?Guess who then gets all the food from Mrs. Thrush?

男孩刚一打开鸟笼,画眉鸟就飞出去了。The thrush flew out as soon as the boy opened the cage.

我已经尽量小心动作轻柔了,她还是会出现鹅口疮,并且已经开始不耐烦。I have to be so gentle, she gets thrush and is turned off.

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她还曾经鹅口疮诗记者通过出版工作。She has also had work published through Thrush Poetry Press.

根据我的经验您孩子嘴里的是鹅口疮。According to my experience is that your child's mouth thrush.

我听在森林里乌灰鸫的鸣叫了。The singing voice of Japanese Thrush was heard in the forest.

认为严重而持久的鹅口疮应警惕艾滋病。Severe and persistent thrush should warn a possibility of AIDS.

利用储药罐也会减少发生鹅口疮的可能。Using a spacer will also help reduce the possibility of thrush.

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周主任提示这是一种口腔念珠菌感染,也称鹅口疮。Zhou Zhuren prompted an oral candidiasis, also known as thrush.

一只鸫吞下野生的浆果来囤积抗氧化剂。Ahermit thrush gulps down a wild berry to bulk up on antioxidants.

其释放出的气体比鹅口疮淡,并有特殊的气味。The discharge is thinner than thrush and has a characteristic odour.

这些也可以的症状不太严重的条件,如鹅口疮。These can also be symptoms of less serious conditions such as thrush.

常四爷雄赳赳的,提着大而高的画眉笼。Fourth Elder Chang, a vigorous looking fellow, has a much large thrush cage.

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几天后,林顿死去,希斯克利夫又成了画眉田庄的主人。A few days later, Clinton died Study of Heathcliff became thrush farmstead owners.

口腔鹅口疮是婴幼儿常见的是通常不与其他相关的疾病。Oral thrush in infants is common and is usually not associated with other disease.

另一名美国公民库迪·思拉什被判处一年监禁和一千两百美元的罚款。Fellow American Cody Thrush received one year in jail and a 12-hundred-dollar fine.