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船上的浓雾号角发出呜呜声。The ship foghorn boomed out.

雾号整夜发出刺耳的叫声。The foghorn brayed all night.

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船上的浓雾信号角发出呜呜声。The ship's foghorn boomed out.

雾号发出呜呜的警报声。The foghorn boomed out its warning.

雾号轰隆隆地发出警告。The foghorn boomed out its warning.

这汽笛鸣响时声如雾角。The hooter sounded out like a foghorn.

发出两种信号的雾号。A foghorn that makes a two-tone signal.

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雾角的鸣声打破了寂静。The bleating of a foghorn broke the silence.

他大声说出这个词,听起来像一声雾号。She said the word out loud. It'd sounded like a foghorn.

在你的内心深处,有个像雾号一样的声音不断地在呼喊着我的名字。Something deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn.

不过我能断定,我们的船和那艘船曾一度靠的很近——他们还鸣了雾号。We were near a boat at one point, I know that much—rang their foghorn.

片刻之后,从山上传来了咆哮的声音,仿佛雾角一般低沉辽远。Moments later, he heard a low moaning rumble over the hills, a sound like a foghorn.

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一旦湿度达到了一定的数值,探雾器就会自动激活雾号。Once this reaches a certain level, the detector automatically activates the foghorn.

还好,等我听出来雾号是每隔六十秒响一次的时候,它也就停下来了。Luckily, by the time I figure out that the foghorn sounds once every 60 seconds, it stops.

哈格力突然掏出一块又脏又大的手帕来提鼻涕,他提鼻子的声音好像吹号角一般。Hagrid suddenly pulled out a very dirty, spotted handkerchief and blew his nose with a sound like a foghorn.

我还兴致勃勃地看了看探雾器,头天晚上让我不得安宁的雾号就是这个家伙弄出来的。I also enjoyed taking a look at the fog detector, responsible for starting the foghorn that had disturbed my peace the night before.

吹vuvuzela时需要嘴唇和肺部运动协调配合,这样才能吹出音量极高、音调单一的那种声音,跟雾笛的声音有些类似。Playing the vuvuzela requires a practiced combination of lip and lung action to produce an extremely loud, monotonous sound, a bit like a foghorn.

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该设备还能收听跨越17个八度音阶的声频,其音调范围远高于蚊子的蜂鸣,而远低于低沉的雾角。It can also hear sound frequencies across a span of 17 octaves, spanning pitches far higher than the whine of a mosquito and far lower than a rumbling foghorn.