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果实具梳状细条纹。Fructification provides pectination pinstripe.

乔布斯穿着细条纹西服,在介绍他的新产品。Presenting his newborn babies in his best pinstripe suit.

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上体密布黄色和黑色相间的细条纹。Upper body over the yellow and black and white pinstripe.

当我向她描述托尼的细条纹西服时,她指出,“这是典型的心理变态狂!”"Classic psychopath!" she said when I described Tony's pinstripe suit.

他并没有穿着松紧带儿运动裤,而是一套细条纹的上衣和西裤。He wasn't wearing sweatpants. He was wearing a pinstripe jacket and trousers.

这套西服有四种颜色和款式,包括中灰色、深灰色、海军蓝和灰色细条纹。It comes in four colors and styles, including medium gray, charcoal , navy, and a gray pinstripe.

因为,流行的细条纹可柔和蓝灰之间的强烈对比,增添优雅的气质。Because, the popular soft blue gray pinstripe can add the strong contrast between, elegant temperament.

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“当你决定你要穿着细条纹的衣服见我,”我说,“你有没有意识你这个主意就有点儿半疯狂半正常?”"When you decided to wear pinstripe to meet me, " I said, "did you realise the look could go either way?"

如今他成了穿细条纹西装的商人,试图在津巴布韦建设中国支持的经济特区。Now, he is a businessman who wears pinstripe suits, trying to bring a China-backed economic zone for Zimbabwe.

他从枕头下取出绳子,站起身解开囚服的扣子,露出了里面穿着的诺顿的灰色条纹装。Pulls the rope from under his pillow. He stands and unbuttons his prison shirt, revealing Norton's gray pinstripe suit underneath.

棉裙和细条纹长裤便服很适合你,配以灰、白、黑色,更能凸显你的时尚触觉。You are made for mensprint draped skirts and pinstripe pantsuits, and you wear the colors gray, white, and black with true stylish panache.

棉裙和细条纹长裤便服很适合你,配以灰、白、黑色,更能凸显你的时尚触觉。You are made for men sprint draped skirts and pinstripe pantsuits, and you wear the colors gray, white, and black with true stylish panache.

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白色的高速列车呼啸者驶离站台,以超过200英里的时速穿过乡间,看起来就像一条逐渐模糊的蓝丝带。The white bullet train whooshed out of the station, its blue pinstripe a blur as it sliced across the Chinese countryside at more than 200 miles an hour.