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他们推选了一个新的教皇,本笃十六世。They chose a new pope, Benedict XVI.

教宗说,这很重要。This is significant, Benedict XVI said.

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我的故事简直就和教皇本尼迪克特十六世一样。My story is like that of Pope Benedict XVI.

这一回啊,要是我们是带着路易十六出奔,那该多有劲。I wish WE'D a had the handling of Louis XVI.

关于路易十六的事,我没有赞同。So far as Louis XVI. was concerned, I said 'no.

教皇十六世格里高利在1837年建立了伊特鲁里亚博物馆。Pope Gregory XVI established the Etruscan Museum in 1837.

格列高利十六到了八十岁还是身躯挺直、笑容满面的。Gregory XVI. , at the age of eighty, held himself erect and smiling.

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教皇本笃也呼吁立即结束两国的敌对状态。Pope Benedict XVI also called for an immediate end to the hostilities.

事实上,那些第二批左翼分子拥有比路易十四大得多的权力。In fact, those second leftists held far more power than Louis XVI ever had.

这场革命持续到1794年,国王路易十六被判死刑。The revolution lasted till 1794 and the King Luis XVI was sentenced to death.

罗马教皇本笃,虽然人在梵蒂冈,但很关心这次信任危机。At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI said he was deeply concerned about the crisis.

在耶路撒冷,教皇本笃十六世将写有祷告的卡片插入哭墙的缝隙里。Pope Benedict XVI places a written prayer in the cracks of Jerusalem's Western Wall.

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主教出席教皇本笃十六世主持的弥撒大典,都灵圣卡洛广场,意大利。Bishops attend a mass held by Pope Benedict XVI at San Carlo's Square in Turin, Italy.

在罗马,教宗本笃十六世任命女性出掌教廷高职位,这是前所未有的。In Rome, Pope Benedict XVI has placed women in unprecedented levels of curial authority.

西班牙瓦伦西亚的女孩骑著速克达经过教宗本笃十六世的海报前。A girl rides a scooter in front of a poster of Pope Benedict XVI in Valencia July 6, 2006.

教皇本笃十六世抵达伦敦会见坎特伯里大主教威廉斯。Pope Benedict XVI arrives in London to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams.

教皇本笃十六世在结束他的朝圣之旅时,发表了和平希望的信息。Pope Benedict XVI has wrapped up his visit to the Holy Land with a message of hope for peace.

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两年前,本笃十六世挑出马克思主义作为现代社会的苦难之一。Two years ago Benedict XVI singled out Marxism as one of the great scourges of the modern age.

本笃十六世将在梵蒂冈接见这些穆斯林代表,会见日期稍后会宣布。Benedict XVI will receive the Muslim delegation at the Vatican at a date to be announced later.

他曾出现在父亲的就职典礼,甚至现身教宗本笃十六世的会面场合。He appeared at his father's inauguration ceremony and even at a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI.