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奴隶属于家长的家户。Now slaves obviously are in the paterfamilias.

所以法律上儿子仍属于他们的家长。So sons legally were still under their paterfamilias.

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金字塔顶端是一家之主,男人,即家长。At the top of it is the head of the household, the man, the paterfamilias.

我问同学家长他们有没有可能上网吧,他们说有可能。I asked the paterfamilias if they were in web bar and they answer they might be.

这个名叫海伦娜·戈尔德哈根的姑娘赢得了这个布朗克斯年轻家长的欢心。Her name was Helena Goldenhagen, and she pleased this young paterfamilias of the Bronx.

家长心理是影响聋儿康复效果的重要因素。Paterfamilias mentalities are important factors to affect deaf childrens rehabilitation.

儿子和女儿…,仍是家户的一员,只要家长还健在。Sons and daughters, though, were still part of the household, as long as the paterfamilias was alive.

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雨果·沃尔德曼是整个家族的大家长,众多的侄子、外甥、和姻亲们住在大广场街上稍差的公寓大厦里。Hugo Waldman was the paterfamilias of the whole tribe—nephews, cousins, and uncles-in-law who lived along the Concourse in lesser palaces.

那这些人怎么办?,其他普通罗马人,没有强大的庇护人,没有强大的家长帮忙?So what do you have with all these other people, these other Romans around here, who don't have a powerful patron, who don't have a powerful paterfamilias to help them out?

而超越家庭的上帝之爱的观念传入中国后,则对中国封建的家长制有很大冲击,从而对中国家庭关系产生了巨大的影响。When the concept of love coming over the family from God was introduced to China, it brought great impact on the feudal paterfamilias system and strongly impacted the Chinese family relationship.

他提到名字的这些人就是庇护人,家庭教会的家长,而这家庭教会又有这样一种庇护关系,我们讲到这一点时请你们牢记。The people he's named are kind of considered the patrons the paterfamilias of the house church and then the house church has this patron client structure Keep that in mind when we talk about this.