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为什么会戴姆勒和丰田捏造这样的一个联盟?。Why would Daimler and Toyota concoct such an alliance?

弗朗西斯因帮助他捏造不在犯罪现场的证据而被起诉。Francis is accused of having helped him to concoct a false alibi.

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这是我能编造出来的争议最少,最无聊的理由。It was the least controversial, most insipid topic I could concoct.

匪徒图谋奸恶,嘴上仿佛有烧焦的火。Scoundrels concoct evil, and their speech is like a scorching fire.

你配制的最奇怪的香水或者香味是什么?What was the most unusual fragrance or flavor you've had to concoct?

这就是不停创作的原因,日复一日,以十分严肃的态度创作小说。Thi is why we go on, dai after day, concoct fiction with utter seriousness.

盼望我们能得尝祂所赐的生命,比我们为自己所计画的一切都要美好。May we taste and see that the life He offers is sweeter than anything we concoct for ourselves.

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他们往往会在回答问题前重复人家的提问,也许是为了给自己一点时间以便捏造个答案。They tend to repeat questions before answering them, perhaps to give themselves time to concoct an answer.

他说他迅速与杰克逊的一名保镖商议,编造一个不带莫瑞回去的理由。He said he quickly conferred with one of Mr. Jackson's security guards to concoct a story to get out of giving the ride.

看守却说,假药救了俺的命,应该感谢家乡造假者的深情厚谊啊!Watch but say, the false medicine saved the life of An, should appreciate home town to concoct deep feeling thick Yi of !

虽然科学家还没有研究出爱的配方,但是他们为人们获取和经营一段成功的婚姻,提供了一些有用的秘诀。While scientists have yet to concoct a love potion, their research is providing some helpful tips for a successful marriage.

您可以炮制的组合,液体肥皂,烘焙粉,醋和水,创造更安全的清洁产品为您的家用。You can concoct combinations of liquid soap, baking powder, vinegar and water to create safer cleaning products for your home.

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没有app商店,没有筛选机制,没有基于浏览器的脚本,直接加入Gmail的侧边栏,并允许开发者添加任何有效的插件。No browser-based scripts. Simply direct access to the Gmail sidebar, allowing developers to add any gadget that they can concoct.

随着在美国雇用厨师制作食谱,并在其中把酱油纳入到经典的美国菜里面,龟甲万生产的酱油得到了越来越多人的青睐。Kikkoman promoted soy sauce in America by hiring chefs to concoct recipes that incorporated the sauce into classic American dishes.

通过连接咖啡机到电脑和个人电脑连接到互联网,咖啡鉴赏家可以远程编造的完美一杯咖啡。By hooking up the coffeemaker to a PC and connecting the PC to the Internet, coffee connoisseurs can remotely concoct the perfect cup of coffee.

事实上,每一个重大的发现都在传统观念上划开了深深的裂缝,并迫使科学家们在激烈的争论中创造出新的理论。Virtually every major discovery has put deep cracks in the conventional wisdom and forced scientists to concoct new theories, amid furious debate.

圣诞节在贵州省剑河县等待着我们,我们已经让朋友们把几样圣诞节物品寄到了那里,那些物品能帮我们安排一些庆祝仪式。Christmas awaited us in the county town of Jianhe,swhereswe had asked friends to send a few special items to help us concoct some sort of celebration.

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我们会先调味,甚至油炸,然后将它们就着含糖饮料食用,这当然和古时候不一样And then we concoct them even further by deep frying them and then having them with a sugared beverage and that's certainly different than ancient times.

除了罗马,能左右意大利命运的还有布鲁塞尔,在那里欧元区的技术官员们正在努力找寻能医治地区主权债务危机的灵丹妙药。Italy's fate is being decided not just in Rome, but also in Brussels, where euro zone technocrats are trying to concoct an elixir for the region's sovereign debt crisis.

从质量上,收集的材料内容必须真实可靠,不得收集无中生有、虚假不实或者弄虚造假的材料。From the quality, the material contents of collections have to be true credibility, can not collect make out of nothing , deceitful and dishonest perhaps make to falsely concoct of material.