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嘶哑的哼声和叫声是中毒的特征。The hoarse grunt or squeal is characteristic of toxicity.

我的客户们每每看到我在使用黑莓,都会非常兴奋地叫喊出来。My clients would squeal with excitement whenever I used it.

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为避免相撞而刹车时,他听到了轮胎与地面刺耳的摩擦声。He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision.

马宏给迈可打了个电话,告知了这个情况,并且保证他不会告密。Mahone calls Michael to warn him and to explain that he won't squeal.

突然从后方传来一阵尖锐的声音和轮胎磨擦地面的声音。Suddenly there was a squeal and tires peeling, from somewhere behind me.

办公室里最可恨的就是那些打小报告的人。Those who squeal on colleagues in returnforfavorsare the most hated intheoffice.

如果中国的房地产市场存在泡沫,那么这个泡沫在破裂之前可能要带出一串又长又刺耳的响儿。If China's property market is a bubble, it may end with a squeal as well as a pop.

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如果中国的房地产市场是个泡沫,最后很可能会噼里啪啦般爆破掉。If China’s property market is a bubble, it may end with a squeal as well as a pop.

在路的尽头有一个边远地区的家庭,他们也说他们会像小女孩一样尖叫。There's a backwoods family down the road that says they can squeal like a girl, too.

在越来越暗的夜色里,一辆货车向她身边驶来,在尖锐的刹车声中突然停下。In the growing darkness a van pulled alongside her, stopping with a squeal of brakes.

尖锐的刹车声把鲍迪的注意力带到脚下,接着郁闷被丢进烟灰缸。A squeal of brakes brought Bodie to his feet, joint left to smoulder out in an ash -tray.

玉帝正准备收工,他听到了一头小猪长而尖锐的呼噜声。Just as the Jade Emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig.

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车轮的尖啸噪声与蠕滑及粘滑的组合机械运动有关。Wheel squeal is associated with a complex combination of creepage and a mechanism known as stick-slip.

当女儿长大以后,你不可能再像她三岁时那样和她交流,但你的宠物猫则会无条件的接受你的抱怨。You can’t talk to your teenage daughter the way you did when she was 3, but your cat will always take your squeal.

在安全的情况下,使汽车低速行驶,同时刹车。如果制动发出尖叫声,那么,应该更换制动片或者清洗制动器。If it is safe, drive the car at low speed, braking as needed. The brake pads need replacing, or cleaning, if they squeal.

总结肺结核合并糖尿病的临床特点、疗效及预后。The clinic characteristics, curative effect and squeal protection of phthisis and diabetes mellitus have been summarized.

轮到癞蛤蟆钻时,他竟然两脚一滑,扑通一下掉进水里,并发出一声尖叫。When it came to toad's turn, of course he managed to slip and fall into the water with a loud splash and a squeal of alarm.

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当她调至低档了一个工具的时候,她伸展出而且墬落,而且向后有突然推进和转力矩的高尖叫。She stretched out and down, and there was a sudden backwards thrust and the high squeal of torque as she downshifted a gear.

所以劳拉跑进房子里,把头埋在床上,还把耳朵用手指挡住,因为她可不想听到猪被杀时的惨叫声。So Laura ran and hid her head on the bed and stopped her ears with her finger because she doesn't want to hear the hog squeal.

参与者一齐尖叫起来,立刻调整并加快速度,玩得比以前更好了。The participants squeal in unison. In a second or two, the mob has adjusted to the quicker pace and is playing better than before.